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sallyhails's Blog

Sallys downloads

Sally was so proud when she reached the 700,000 down load point.. it breaks my heart that she is unable to see that she has smashed through the 1 million marker, on her behalf thank you all for keeping Sallys TSR site running, without your downloads her site would have to close because she has not renewed her subscription.. Sallys dad


It has taken me so long to enter my daughters TSR site that I almost gave up hope of ever speaking to all the lovely people who have left messages of condolences on her guestbook.

My family are well aware of all the sad messages you have been leaving and from the bottom of my heart thank you for being kind enough to think of her even though you havent met her, I have yet to look at her creations and see for myself the design she did of her Oman house where she was living right up to the time of the accident that took her life.

I see that she described herself as disabled and I would like to point out that her partial disabilty was due to another terrible road accident she had some eight years ago ,that she barely lived through , I never in a million years thought that she would face another one.  Seeing how many people have downloaded her designs have made me very proud of my daughter..Sallys dad Mick

Help us find Katrice!

Please take a little moment to look at the picture below. One of my oldest and dearest friends sister went missing 27 years ago on her 2nd birthday while out shopping with her mum for her party that day, she's never been seen since. If you have any information, no matter how small please contact the number in the picture below. I hope one day we'll find out what happened to Katrice that day and my friend and her familys pain will end.


Wow I can't believe I'm at 700,000 downloads already. Thanks everyone!

Now it's time to party!


Here's some pictures of the changes in the landscape in the mountains since the Kareef (monsoon) has arrived. Everything is so green, it was like we were driving through a different country as the rest of the countryside in the valleys is just sand and baked earth. Enjoy. Last but not least I thought I'd include a picture of the mountains where the kareef hasn't reached, just so you can see the vast difference in the landscape.


Thanks to everyone who's downloaded my stuff, you've helped me reach the 600 thousand downloads mark.

I'm really happy and think you should all give yourselves a big pat on the back as I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all the wonderful support I've had from my friends and everyone here at TSR!

Thank you!

It's here!

The Kareef (monsoon) has finally come, after weeks of waiting and overcast days.

I opened my bedroom curtains this morning to see fine drizzly rain and everything soaked, it's a bit like being back in the UK but without all the green. I wonder how long it'll be before everything is green?

I'll post some pictures when the vegetation has grown, can't wait to see the difference in the landscape.

A view of Oman

Here a few pictures of the local wildlife and landscape in my little corner of Oman. I've been told that when it's monsoon season (Kareef) this whole landscape is transformed into a green oasis, hard to imagine I know. Sam's beach. Finally one of my neighbours.

Our House!

I've been promising a few people that I would post some pictures of our new house in the Oman. I thought all the pictures we had were on our PC, which is still sailing it's way here, anyway to cut a long story short...I found some on the laptop, so here they are. Hope you enjoy them. Front of the house. Back of the house. View of the compound that our house is in. The pool. I know it all looks very green, a gardener comes every other day and waters everything all day long so it stays lovely and green, when you drive out of the front gates it's a different story, all baked earth, sand and no grass.

SAM 12 Aug 2001 - 22 March 2008

We all finally arrived safe and sound at our new house in Salalah in the Sultanate of Oman. We had two really good days settling into our new home, Sam had a great time chasing the feral cats that live on the compound and exploring his new surroundings. Then on the 21st March tragedy struck. We went up to the roof terrace to have a look, Martin opened the door and Sam pushed past him with a wild look in his eyes, he ran across the roof and jumped the wall, he fell two storeys onto the concrete below. He broke both his front legs and he couldn't stand on his back legs, it was confirmed by x-rays on the 22nd March that he had broken his back, the vet gave him a 2% chance of recovering as he had some feeling in his back legs and sometimes he moved his tail and back legs, but she said if he did recover he wouldn't be able to run and jump which is pretty much all Sam did. He was such a lively bouncy dog, always running around and jumping around that we decided it wasn't fair to put him through that so we asked the vet to put him to sleep. We found a lovely quiet beach cove near where we live and buried Sam on a hill overlooking the sea. He was my best friend and my constant companion. I am totally heartbroken. The house is so empty without him, I miss him dearly and I am so thankful for the wonderful six and a half years that I had with him. R.I.P Sam my angel, you will always be in our hearts.

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Sallys downloads Sally-Anne Help us find Katrice! 700,000 Downloads Kareef 600,000 Downloads It's here! A view of Oman Our House! SAM 12 Aug 2001 - 22 March 2008
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