samusa06 (1623109)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (121 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Amagansett Summer House
Published Aug 28, 2010
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About Me
Well, what is there to say about me other than I'm addicted to the Sims and have been since the Sims 1 came out! I've been a member over here at TSR for quite some time but have only just recently got up the courage to submit some of my lots as I've been inspired by the newness of Sims3 and the challenge that creates when building. Luckily some very talented pattern and object makers here have been making my life so much easier. (Not to mention those free 1000 points over at the EA store.. lol) I try to make my lots as realistic as possible mainly because my building background comes from designing sets for my Sims2 Machinima hobby....I love Sims3, but I still love my Sims2 and my first love is still creating machinima with it... I'm pretty sporadic about it though, as it takes such a long time to make a quality piece... I make my machinima under the name rupertcanada (my other web alias... lol). Go check out my latest work over at my youtube channel.
So who am I, I'm an Aussie chick, married to an American hunk.. we have two beautiful fur children (doggies) but no human kids yet. We currently live in Australia but have lived in the USA before and probably will again. My job is crazy, my family are nuts, my house is a rabble... so in my downtime I like to play out my perfect life in the sims... and that includes the perfect home! lol
My Latest Updates Show All
Away for the monthWritten Nov 26, 2010
Hi Guys, Just letting you know why I have been a bit absent lately. I've been travelling overseas with work for the last couple of weeks and I'm heading off for another week tomorrow, to Buenos Aires... But after that, I'll be back in action until January when the travelling starts again. I think I have a trip to northern Australia and then back to Japan in late January early... ...More
Paintings & PrintsWritten Aug 12, 2010
Well, some of you may have noticed that I've started to make some painting sets. YAY! The main reason being, I often couldn't find quite what I was looking for in wall art and so decided it was time to get off my butt and make my own.. lol Given this is all about me!.... *rolls eyes* My sets will follow a theme... the theme of me! What I want in my game! :D (which can be more... ...More
$16,500 simoleans and starter houses....Written Apr 28, 2010
Why oh why did EA have the bright idea to make it even harder to start out in Sims 3?? Since when did inflation go down?? (ok, forget the global financial crisis... when else... lol). I've been hating EA starter lots since I got the sims3 I mean just because my simmies are poor, doesn't mean they have to live in a place style left behind right?.... Wrong!... It seems we now only have 16,500... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
sandraBerkeAug 29, 2012
i just adore your stuff!
katalinaMar 31, 2012
Good to hear from you! Glad you want to start building again I've been gone but not by choice. I no longer have internet and am using the work pc to send this. A lot has been going on in my life and need to dust myself off and move on from lots of drama. As soon as I get settled I plan on getting internet again.. Welcome back
fantasticSimsMar 30, 2012
Thank you for your comment! I hope you have a great weekend!