sanhammy (5487815)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Sakura Lee
Published Jul 27, 2014
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hi there! (^-^)/)
My real name is Sanjana (my full name is very long XD). My mom calls me Hammy. Thus, I chose the name Sanhammy! You can adress me any way you like!
- I live in a country called Bangladesh, in the city of Dhaka. I was born in Southampton, England.
- I am your typical introvert and a very shy person, but I can be free with anyone through writing.
- I love anime, manga, animation movies, k-drama and k-drama OSTs, J-pop, Anime OSTs, Sims (obviously).-
- My hobbies include drawing, reading books, teaching myself to play the piano, surfing the net etc.
I love spending my time on this site reading stories, looking at screenshots and of course, downloading! :p
I've been playing the sims 1 ever since I was very young and it lasted till 2009. I did not get the chance to play sims 2, however. And suddenly, one day, my mom (who also was a simmer) brought home the sims 3 (I did not even know of it's existence then...I know..stupid... XD) and I've been a constant simmer of sims 3 ever since then.
My favourite aspect of this game is the creativity it enables me to venture. Creating sims, making screenshots, writing stories, building houses to your liking, living that kind of life you always wanted to live in a world which you always desired.
It was only a year ago in July, 2013 when I first discoverd this site, and ever since then, I've been able to enrich my game with CC made by amazing creators and I'm very grateful to each and every one of them for their awesome work and contribution.
I'll sometimes upload lots or sims. I can't create anything else, but I would love to some day. Who knows when that day will come.... :p
And I also love creating screenshots, some of which I upload from time to time.
I'm always happy to receive guestbook entries, although I may be tardy in replying. :p :p
Always happy to make new friends and meet amazing people here.
Sorry for the huge description! (^▼^")...
Lots of love! ♥*.*.(^;^).*.*♥
My Guestbook Show All
IroorNov 10, 2021
Holy, I found another person from my country.
I really liked your "sakura lee" Sim and been using it quite a while thanks!!
LuvpuppiesMar 22, 2016
Awwh haha thanks, i've had the account for many years it's getting kinda embarassing now xD but nice to see someone still liking the name. You are welcome! Now worries at all and thank you :3
jumpgirl_64Mar 18, 2015
Hey sanhammy! I'm one of the storytellers on this site and I was looking at your beautiful screenshots! I wanted to comment on most of them, but I'll just post here! I really love how you take sims 3 pictures, especially that "summer walk" one. You should get your own tumblr page for your creations on here! I just found you on here through another user and your beautiful screenshots caught my interest.