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shaml_sim_'s Guestbook

sophierose123May 26, 2010

Hi Sam!!(: big fan of the stories..keep up the great work!! i was just wondering where you get new born baby clothes downloads? im really new at all the downloading lol. i really want my new born baby to not be in those oink and blue blankets anymore ahah. well thanks much!!!

martoeleMay 26, 2010

Yo have a new avatar.... \:confused\:  What is it? My eyes are not as they used to be... \:o

fredbrennyMay 25, 2010

(((Sam)))   thanks for the comments on my screenies! Yes... Murphy is something else.... I created him for my poor Azra...still looking for the NPC Chinese guy Cheng Wan Liang... He disappeared in thin air!  I figured if Azra got together with another bloke.... Cheng would just turn up again... Murphy's Law... Hence the name   LOL!!!! So Cheng Wan! But Azra and Murphy had a baby girl named Lotus

IllandryaMay 25, 2010

Hi Sam! Your comments on Vasiily's chapter just made my day \:D I'm so glad you are enjoying this story and I'm now seriously questioning why it took me so long to write it *LOL* it almost seems to be writing itself, the words are flowing so easily - a little too easily at times and my writing hand can't keep up with my brain \:D The next two chapters just need a couple of tweaks and both should be posted long before the weekend finishes, so you hopefully won't have to wait too long.

IllandryaMay 24, 2010

Hi Sam! Finally the next Merindylen chapter has fallen into place and I have published it this evening. This time we are seeing the story from Vasiily's perspective. I hope you enjoy it!

martoeleMay 24, 2010

Hi Sam! Thank you very much for your comments on both of my stories! Perhaps you understand why I picked up this Hemmingway family. \;\)  Hugs and take care!  

TheSimFanMay 22, 2010

Wow you are really creative, i wish had a creative mind like yours! So do you know when you make an object, how much kudos points do you earn?   And I love your work! You're like my mentor. You are the best so far that has created fantastic objects and stuff! Wish you the best!  Oh and please don't forget to answer my questions! Please and Thank yous!! Have a great day!! By the way, i love your screenshots!!!\:wub\: Oh and your stories ar fan-tab-ulous!!   Have magnificent day!!!!

runesong54May 20, 2010

There is always a side effect to everything.  I used to teach Wicca and I always told my students that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction".  And "for every spell that you cast, even if it's intentions are good, there will be a negative effect SOMEWHERE"!  Bella must pay a very high price for her manipulation.  Unfortunately, Robert gave her a chance and she used Magick again.  Now it is for the Gods to determine when she has learned her lesson.  \:\(

Jennifer_RMay 20, 2010

Hey Sam! Thank you for your wonderful comments on the finale of The Drifter and also for your support throughout the whole story, I really appreciate it. \:\) I've had alot of fun with this story and I'm a little sad at ending it but new ideas have been floating around in my head and I'm eager to start on them. Although it may not be until after the new EP has been released. I haven't been able to use HELS because of cc disappearing so I will make a fresh start when Ambitions comes out. Really looking forward to that one! Thanks again, Sam. ~ Jen \;\) \:\)

babainbibaMay 19, 2010

Hello Sam!I love you story someone special and message from angel ,and other of cours... I dont speak good English but I write stories in Slovene.* Have a Nice Day<3 ps. I love Nikki hair where you find it? and clothes By by Barbara\:wub\:  

bzanna2May 19, 2010

Greetings Sam! Thank you so much for your nice comments on my screenies and for your congrats. Wow, I really didn't expect to make a feature, especially since this is my first time ever to upload any screenshots... Go little gnomes! \:D  Well thanks again, and I bookmarked you so I can come back and read your stories. I'm a Sim story addict \:wub\:  

liam7695May 18, 2010

thankyou for the nice feedback on my story \:wub\: i read yours, they're GREAT \:rah\:

IllandryaMay 18, 2010

Hi Sam!! Thanks for your lovely comment on the latest Veronika \:D I will admit that I am excited to be playing Simon again. Marc was a nice diversion, but I much prefer Simon and his smart comments (it was very hard to not make a star wars reference to the "scruffy" remark, let me tell you!). He seems more real somehow. I'm having so much fun with this story - the makeovers were a hoot as was dressing the set, although I think all of that took longer than actually writing the story *lol*

Jennifer_RMay 18, 2010

Hi Sam! Oh you sound so busy, but very organized. \:\) I don't like to say it but I have given up in finding a new job for while. It's hard when you send out resume's and go for several interviews and get no response back. I will take a break from it and try again. Hopefully something will come up soon. June 9 how exciting, that's not far away. Actually it's scary how quick the first half of this year has gone. \:confused\:  I'm so looking forward to your next story, A Foreign Romance . I'm sure it is going to be fabulous. Well have a great week and TC! ~ Jen \:wub\:  

dolphin.laughterMay 18, 2010

actually, I'm starting to think it's my laptop; it's over 4 yrs old, and it shuts off when the room is too hot. This is basically what happens when I go into the game: I enter the game, and go into create a sim. It depends if I create on or two, but lets say now that I created one. I go to the neighborhood, select a house, and move my sim into it. Then I will fix up the house to the way I like it, and almost as soon as I go into live mode, the screen blacks out while the game is still playing; and the only thing to do after that is turn off the laptop and then turn it on again. The same thing happens when I create 2 or more sims, but it happens a lot earlier; like sometimes it happens when it's loading the house, or as soon as the house is loaded. I'm writing a story now, but it'll be a while before I can post it due to this problem. \:mad\:  ...At least I'll get a lot of the story done this way \:\) . I also have to download quite a bit for the story pictures. I downloaded most of it, but haven't managed to install it into the Sims 3.  Well...I have to go to bed. It's late and I need to wake up at 4:45am. \:\(

IllandryaMay 17, 2010

Hi Sam! I had so much fun yesterday I stayed snuggled up today too - okay, not quite truthful, my hayfever and sinusitis have been flaring up badly of late and have been causing trouble (the real reason I stayed in bed yesterday) so I called in sick today. Unfortunately at this time of year when the cold starts to set in it has a habit of getting nasty (I once had laryngitis for two weeks!!) so I thought it best to spend the day combatting it rather than force myself to work and just making it worse. I didn't get much done today except rest, but yesterday I was actually reasonably productive and have started a new Veronika story. I've also made some serious headway on Merindylen, just not quite in the order I want to publish it *lol* ... I have chapter 5 complete, chapter 4 more or less complete, but I'm a little stuck on chapter 3. The answer is no, I can't publish them out of order because something happens in chapter 3 that affects chapters 4 and 5. Hopefully I'll find the solution to chapter 3 soon and then there will be a smorgassbord of chapters to read! Oh my, I have rabbited on a bit, haven't I? Well, I shall leave you in peace now. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

martoeleMay 16, 2010

Hi Sam. Thank you for your nice words on my story THT-Travelling III. I'm not very inspired at this moment but I suppose it will come back. Have a nice week. Hugs. Margo. \:D

flody888May 16, 2010

Hi Sam! Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to pressure you! Whatever you do will be wonderful! \:\) Just please enjoy yourself and lots of good luck with all your new stuff going on! \:\) I just thought it was so funny when I kind of squealed when I read the new title. LOL Seriously, I laughed when I did it. \:D Have a super great wonderful weekend, week, month, whatever you need!!! \:\) \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

IllandryaMay 16, 2010

Hi Sam! Just thought I would pop by and say "hello, how are you?" I hope you are enjoying your weekend \:D It looks positively miserable outside, winter is just around the corner and you can feel it in the air. I miss my summer already \:\( I thought as a nice little antidote I would stay snuggled up in bed with my computer and a cup of tea and say hello to everyone instead \:wub\:

dolphin.laughterMay 15, 2010

Hey, thank so much for writing back Sam. \:\) And for telling me about the pose boxes. To tell you the truth though, I still don't know how to do it \:o. Haha, I love to make people in my stories with light hair and dark eyes. My favorite though is red hair with light green eyes. It's true, whatever someone is born with, they always wish for something else. \:ph34r\: I always wanted curly hair since I was born with pin straight hair. \:D don't be jealous about my traveling, it actually sort of sucks; you have to leave all your friends behind and you're only left with memories. I just recently left Brazil after living there for 3 years, and I'm probably going to leave Norway soon too. \:\( But hey, I promise I'll visit Australia. I want to try to visit as many countries as possible. :p And yeah, I really want to post a story, but my Sims doesn't work!!! So I'm stuck about what to do \:\( . I hope you post your new story soon \:D

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