
400Creations 281,271Downloads

skippyscatt's Blog

FoMD Series

I will be finishing the Flowers of May Day series today. I'll get them in the game and check them out tomorrow and have them in for submission this week. My game seems to be back in working order since I reinstalled everything. Luckily I didn't even have to lose anything. A warning I'll be posting new items a lot slower from now on because I'm back to working fulltime, maybe a little more than fulltime. This first week I was totally braindead at the end of the day and basically didn't want to do anything. I'm hoping as I get back into the swing of things that it won't leave me so tired at the end of the day.

The sofa poll is closed, it just hasn't given up the ghost yet and let the new one take it's place. The results of the poll were not unexpected just very lopsided. Out of 12 people who voted 10 preferred sofas of all styles and 2 preferred solids. So I guess I'll continue to branch out with my textures for sofas and chairs. The new poll is checking into which rooms or areas of the house people are more interested into seeing objects made for. I hope everyone votes, I'm always eager for input and feedback on what people want!

May Be Fixed

I reinstalled all of Sims 2 yesterday only hanging on to my Downloads file, my Neighborhood file and the Lot file. Today for the first time in 4 days I didn't have to reload the whole The Sims 2 file in my My Documents folder. I'm hoping that means it's fixed from whatever happened after I added Pets last week. I'll be able to get the bathroom objects and the last of the recreation objects colored. Once I know the game is fixed I'll recreate my testing folder and get them checked out and get the pictures so that I can upload and submit them.

A Problem

It may be a little while before the next set from the Flowers of May Day comes out. There are a couple of reasons but the main one is that ever since I added the Pets EP to my computer I've had to reload the "The Sims 2" document file every day just to get the game to come up. I replace the file and it loads fine. Reset the "Allow custom content" and restart, work in the game for a bit and then the next day I have to reset the folder again. I don't know what is causing the problem. I'm considering uninstalling the whole thing and starting over from scratch. I hate to do it though because I'm going to lose some hard work that way. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

FoMD Kitchen Approved

The Flowers of May Day Kitchen Set has been approved and will be out on Tuesday the 22nd. I'm going to have to get a move on because I don't have the bathroom done yet. But honest I have a good reason!! ;p I got Pets on Thursday and since I'm still fighting the crud going around Denver I thought it would be easier to spend a little time playing. I've been missing the chance to play my Sims game now that I'm creating anyway. I test everything in the game but that's not the same really as actually playing.

Anyway I thought I would be playing. But since adding Pets I've had more trouble with the game. Technically I think it's a download, the problem is I don't know which of the current downloads it is. Luckily I always keep a backup file of my The Sims 2 folder, good thing too. Whatever this download is it doesn't matter if I remove it from the folder. Once I've actully put my 'new downloads testing' folder into the download file and tried to start the game, nothing except removing the folder again and then reinstalling my The Sims 2 folder in My Documents will let me start the game again. It is very disappointing because there are at least three new downloads in that file that I really really want including Ceruleon Talon's new Oak set and Shadow66's beautiful Tropical paintings. Ohhhhh and CT's new bathroom! Darn it that's why it wasn't in my Buy catalog last night when I was trying to build that pretty green and white bathroom.

God I hate having to put every little individual piece in one at a time and testing the game. If I could just figure out which download was bad. They look fine and none of them say they have to have one of the stuff packs I don't have yet. Grrrrrrrr!

Kitchen Pending

The Flowers of May Day Kitchen is in the pending stage. I'm going to have to get myself in gear and get the bathroom set done. The bedroom set is done and half of the recreation set is done. I've been sidetracked lately.... I got Pets this week and I've been roleplaying at Dragon Fable during my spare free time instead of doing recolors. I'll get back on that this week though I promise. I just want to play around a bit with Pets and enjoy the addition of the animals to the game. By the way does anyone know if some one has created a Yorkshire terrier or a Pekingese for the game? Those are my two favorite breeds and neither one is even possible to make with the game creation tools. It bums me out.

FoMD Kitchen

The kitchen set is now done and I'll be uploading it today. I don't know whether the bathroom set or the bedroom set will be next. I've also got the recreation set to do still. Probably two weeks more of work and this set will be done and most of it will be out for download. Maybe for my next project I'll do one of the texture challenges. I noticed that someone else has some of the textures that I've found recently and used them for wall papers. I don't want to risk doing the same thing someone else has so I'll put them away. I do know that my large appliances in this set are similar to a color that was done by someone else about a year ago. I can only hope the color is enough different to pass inspection.

The New Survey

Wow the new survey is a little scary isn't it? I think it would be sad if downloads were limited to only FAs. I've depended on TSR for the majority of my downloads because this is one of the few sites I trust to make sure that stuff is safe with no 'strings' attached. If the site went strictly to FA that would basically finish that. Anyway enough whining we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

More FoMD

I've just submitted two sets both floor sets for the Flowers of May Day series. One set is carpets and one is wood floors. Nothing fancy this time. I was putting my efforts into the other build items this time. Also most of the walls are so fancy that plain floors are a must. The living room set is done and has more than a dozen pieces. I'm working on the kitchen set slowly. I've got a virus that is going around town which makes you miserable so the recoloring is the easiest thing I can do when I feel like being up. And yes I created the Tropical house on my worst days just because the challenge took my mind off how bad I felt. Most of the Flowers of May Day series is complete in one way or another. The kitchen was the only part where I'd done almost nothing. The bath is the other. Anyway I should have the entire series done in the next two weeks and then I'll start thinking of what to do next. I'm trying to slowly but surely learn more and increase my skill so that my stuff gets better, there are a few pieces in this that I'm not happy with but I don't know what to do to change it. I won't be surprised if this isn't a popular set. I will say though that the kitchen pieces are turning out better this time than the ones from my AH series. I think all the work I put into those kitchen sets really helped with this one. Anyway we'll see how everyone likes the furniture and appliance objects for this series.

Tropical Home

A while back a commercial stirred my creative imagination but I wasn't able to doing anything about it because I was busy elsewhere. Then Sesame put out a set that spurred me on even more. I didn't use any of the objects in that set because she made the Ma Kai Lanai set using the same furniture style that was just as gorgeous and in even livelier tropical colors. I still plan to use one of the recolors from the rustic set and create the house with the conservatory that she and I talked about. I think of it as my "Cabot Cove" Cliffside home. In my life I've had two homes in my head that I always wanted to own in real life. One was a Japanese style home, but furnished in a style that was sort of hodgepodge of Japanese and Chinese style decor. Mostly Japanese but with the little touches from China. Black lacor with red dragons and gold leaf sadly that is what I still have in my head. One of these days my sims will definitely have that. The other home was cliffside home. I have the clearest vision of it and I intend to use Sesame's Rustic set to decorate the main room that looks off over the ocean. It's a bit dark, dark woods and colors but the room itself is very cool (temp wise) and peaceful. If I can actually create that in the sim home I will feel like I've really accomplished something perfect.


I never expected to make it to 100,000 downloads ever, but to do it so quickly. I can't tell everyone enough how grateful I am that you like my creations. I'll do my best to keep putting out things that people will enjoy and want to use in the game.

Latest Headlines

FoMD Series May Be Fixed A Problem FoMD Kitchen Approved Kitchen Pending FoMD Kitchen The New Survey More FoMD Tropical Home 100,000
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