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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
I build this house in Windenburg world, 40x30 lot size with 3 floors.
This house has :
- 3 bedroom and 3 bathroom.
- Fully furnished and decorated.
- No Custom Content.
- TwistedMexi BBB and TOOLS mod.
- PLEASE USE bb.moveobjects ON.
Packs installed :
E.P :
1. Get to Work
2. Get Together
3. City Living
4. Cats & Dogs
5. Seasons
6. Get Famous
7. Island Living
8. Discover University
9. Eco Lifestyle
10. Snowy Escape
11. Cottage Living
12. High School Years
13. Growing Together
14. Horse Ranch
G.P :
1. Outdoor Retreat
2. Spa Day
3. Dine Out
4. Jungle Adventure
5. Dream Home Decorator
S.P :
1. Perfect Patio
2. Laundry Day
3. Moschino
4. Tiny Living
5. My First Pet
6. Romantic Garden
7. Backyard
1. Desert Luxe
FREE STUFF : Holiday Celebration Stuff, Login Event Rewards
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1721437
ItemID: 1721437
Filesize: 261 KB
- Value: 174409
- Recoloring Allowed: No
- Furnished: Fully
- Stories: 3
- Lot Size: 4030
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