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theangeliquemonte's Guestbook

Lulu265Jan 4, 2011

Thank you again for all the wonderful, wonderful comments on my lots.. and for my profile avatar and banner, when it shows up \:wub\:I'm busy downloadin some of your stuffs at the moment.. have a bursting downloads

blondechaosJan 4, 2011

Hello \:D Thanks for your comment on my Yummers \:\) screenshot. Hope you have a lovely day

irene_busyJan 3, 2011

Hi Ksenia! Great to hear that you're fine \:\)and also creating \:\) Well, time passes faster when you have fun \:D. Oh my, you really have a problem \:\(, well, I don't know why people don't do their jobs right and others have to suffer the concequences \:mad\:, but unfortunatly we have to learn to handle them...I began studying cause after this week I have a lot tests and mid terms \:D. Have a great week \:\). Hugs, Irene \:\)

st3faJan 3, 2011

Hi!I saw your comment on my new swimwear set.I'm happy you liked it and thank you so much for your advice!\;\)Stefan\:cool\:  

irene_busyJan 3, 2011

Hi Ksenia! Thank you for your kind Gb entry \:\). How are you? How's your holiday \:\)? Did you have the pluming fixed? I hope you're having a great time. Hugs, Irene \:\)

Lulu265Jan 3, 2011

Thank you for the GREAT comments on my new lots.. it makes me want to create more. The Relaxation center was supposed to be a Plantsim house, but just grew and \:wub\:

Lulu265Jan 3, 2011

I'm glad you like my pink walls.. thank you for the comment \:\)

ByzantineGirlJan 2, 2011

Hi Ksenia!! \:\) I’m really happy that your water problems are nearly fixed now, but I didn’t realise that you had it coming in from above you, not to mention the thought that your house might collapse – that is so bad \:\( and you must have felt awful, especially with your exams coming up and the New Year.   I hope that you have a great time to make up for all the bad things!! \:D OMG, where you live is worse than England as to when it gets dark in winter – you’ll have to make sure you get some vitamin D if you’re getting no sunlight.   (I’m only saying that because my husband was telling me that was what I have to do as I don’t go outside in the sunshine. \:D )   I like hot weather, just not going out in it!   And it sounds like you don’t get any *darkness* \:eek\: in the summer which for me would be weird but of course you’d be used to it.   You asked what happened to my Sims 2 game grrrrr!! \:mad\: Well I had everything for it, all the expansion packs when I splashed out and bought Sims 3 instead.   Stupidly I bought it off E Bay and the place had positive feedback, anyway it was from India and cost half of what it costs normally and at first it worked fine.   Then I had to keep adding patches until it suddenly stopped and wouldn’t play. \:\( Don’t buy cheap imports, I’ve learnt my lesson!! \:mad\: Then I thought well I loved Sims 2 so my daughter put them all on my little computer and away I went…. for a while.   Then I tried to download some things in a different way and it all started going wrong and that stuffed my game up plus my computer started to smell of burning!   Anyway I’d just started a new challenge and everything stopped – my game, the computer. \:\( We hadn’t had the (second hand) computer for long but too long to take it back to the shop so now I AM SIMLESS!!! \:\( I’m so dejected because my husband has tried to fix it but no luck with that.   So the only thing I can do now is look in all my books for a spell to bring a computer back to life.   Unfortunately I don’t think one exists!!! And obviously I will have lost ALL MY DOWNLOADS AGAIN!!! \:eek\: Anyway, sorry for boring you but that’s the story so far!   My TSR friend is still not back, so I’ll just be patient and hope she comes back soon.   I think that your new idea for your creations is fantastic even if we have to wait a little longer for your goodies!! \:rah\: Well it’s 5:30am here so I better get to bed!   Take care, Steph \:D

nastya_peaceJan 2, 2011

Большое спасибо )) Все подробно и очень понятно ^^

FlovvJan 2, 2011

Thank you very much for your lovely comment on my screenshot and facebook avatar! \:\) Hope your year started well, and I wish you a wonderful new week too! \:\)\:wub\:

nastya_peaceJan 2, 2011

Большое спасибо тебе за отывы к моим работам )) Мне очень приятно слышать эти прекрасные слова ^^ У меня  небольшой вопрос: как создать свой профайл (профиль с работами\;\). Когда я захожу к себе на страничку - она пуста, нет никаких окошек (типа скриншотов, работ, историй и т.д. Как все это добавить?

sara_ashleyDec 31, 2010

Dearest Ksenia  \:wub\:, i am sorry for the last reply but about the set i send you a PM during this week if is that possible of course ?  and i just love all yours creations and i wish for you and your family a wonderful HAPPY NEW YEAR and wishing the best for you on 2011 =) take care too !!! many hugs, *Sara* \:wub\: <3

xolaurengtfoDec 31, 2010

Thanks for the comment on my screenshot "A cozy Holiday", it's probably the best one and my favorite that i've ever taken!  It's really challenging to get them as close to perfect as you can! Thanks again and have a happy new year!

irene_busyDec 31, 2010

Hi Ksenia! Thank you for all your wishes \:\) All the same to you and your family \:\). I'm going to celebrate with my parents in our apartment (we're in mourning because my grandfather died this summer so I didn't go to any party) by watching TV and having some drinks. I'm actually playing Sims 2 now \:D. Have a great night creating and Happy simming \:\). Hugs, Irene \:\)

topaz27Dec 31, 2010

Hi Ksenia, Wishing you and all your family a wonderful New Year, may it be a good one with many special times and many blessings, may it be filled with good health and may it be a peaceful one for us all \:wub\: lots of hugs, Topaz \:wub\:  

irene_busyDec 31, 2010

Hi Ksenia! May 2011 be better than 2010 \:wub\: and I wish you all the best, happiness, fullfilment, health and all the pozitive thoughts \:\). Have fun tonight and Happy simming \:D. Lots of hugs from Irene \:wub\:

irene_busyDec 29, 2010

Hey! I know a little of 3D modeling, I have a cousin who can make animations and he always tries to tutor me \:D, so I pretty know the basics \:\), anyway thanks for explaining \:\). I have all the expansions so I don't mind if they require a pack or not but they're really great for the other downloaders. Ah, holidays \:\) so you'll have more time for chatting and creating and having fun \:\). Have a great day \:\). Hugs, Irene \:\)

flody888Dec 28, 2010

You're welcome! \:\) She's very pretty too btw! I think I forgot to mention that because I was all caught up with the colours of the shot! \:D

ByzantineGirlDec 27, 2010

Hi Ksenia!!  I know it's pretty quiet on TSR at the moment. I just pop by TSR to see if my friend is back on - she hasn't been on since around the 9th so I was getting somewhat concerned. \:\( Hopefully it's just something to do with her computer and she'll be back on soon.  Christmas was good - it was great having my son down to stay and we all ate too much so of course I'm telling myself that come the New Year I'm going on a diet. \:P No more takeaways or coca cola- just fruit and veggies and water (ugh!).  All we did was sit around and watch some really funny dvd's and of course eat and drink!!  We took my son and his girlfriend to the airport today but he's coming back down towards the end of Jan for his birthday so I don't have to wait as long to see him this time.  I got some cool presents - I chose the ones from my daughter so I made sure that I got My Chemical Romance's new CD!!! \:\) I hope you had a great Christmas and kept warm - did you manage to fix your water problems?  I really hope so and I hope Santa brought you lots of nice goodies. \:\) Oh well the summer solstice has come and gone so now our days will be getting shorter and yours longer.  Can you believe that it's summer here and we can see mountains from where we live and there is snow on them!!! \:mad\: I just knew it was going to be a crap summer temperature wise and I was right! \:wub\: Hope everything is going okay for you, take care Steph \:D

hasel Dec 27, 2010

Happy new year..

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