60,000... and slowly creeping up
Hi my loving fans... the few out there I actually have =)
Sorry that I haven't got back to your comments and uploaded more items!! I've been haveing soooooo many problems. But I can promise you there is some eye shadows, swimwear and hair recolours already done, all I need to do it do some photos and collate them all together in groups to upload.
I'm still having horrible issues with not being able to upload sets. So please bare with it, I believe its better anyway, so people have a choice to ONLY pick one or two of there favourites in the set!
its been a whole year since I offically signed up Using THIS user name. I've been on here Longer using my sisters as a conjoining one for many years, just spending my time downloading sim1 items. I never had sims 2 for many years, we eventually got it, but our computer was sooooo slow! so, it wasnt till early this year that i finally said to myself, why dont I show off my creations.
it started with a few (Not so good uploads) that were only to bennifit me! then I moved on to things I know that I and probably many others lacked in. winter wear =]
I love creating, but I just recently got my wisdom teeth out, that knocked me out for two weeks. I have constant nausia and couldnt even get out of bed - its was horrible. so I had a lot of time off work (that i could have been doing sims2) but couldnt do that either. I missed my chance while my partner was out of town to sit on the computer all day - so yes dissappointed...
Anyway, wish me luck as I will probably go home a schedule some computer time. which is looking about two weeks away, dont ask why... lol I hope to upload more soon, Thanks for your patience
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