Thank you to Missy_Screeter
As most of you may not know. I have had troubles with uploading Sets since the new Sims3 came to TSR. Now I had struggled to upload many of my sets which ended up being uploaded as single items!
Not that many people would mind that much because I believe in my sets some colours are better then others. Having the choice of just one download then three was a bennifit to some, ofcourse the others who prefer the whole set in one download, I am truelly sorry!!
Now, I found I could upload make up in a set, but unfortunately I could not upload clothes, so My last submission, which I think you all shall really love. A Flora Bikini, Leaves and flowers that entwine around your sims female body!
Really Cool, lol
Anyway, Finally I got a reply from Missy_Screeter regarding my submission problem, they helped me through my predicament, and I was suprised with the alternate much easier way of submitting sets. Yay! I finally uploaded successfully my set, Now waiting approval. So time will tell whether the method they supplied had worked.
I will take the time now, to public Thank Missy_Screeter for their imput in helping me move forward in knowledge of TSR and submitting my creations.
Eeeehhhhh!! (I scream) I am so happy that I can finally start submitting - Missy_Screeter, I will keep you posted on whether or not They were approved, so cross fingers everyone! I cant wait to start creating again!