75 thousand downloads...104 creations
Excuse me as I cry!!
I just typed a big long post and it was deleted....
Anyway... Yay me, I have reached 75 downloads and 104 creations! Its a mini milestone for me... next to achieve is 100,000 downloads.. Eeeeeeehhhh (High Pitched Scream) this would be exciting... thanks again to all the lovely downloaders who love my creations... I hope anyway!!
Now, i had a realisation the other day when I went on a downloading spree...
I always felt down when I didnt get any comments, feedback or even "thank the artist" from all you downloaders. I loved getting nice sentences telling me what they loved about my creations and a thankyou, but these got shorter to just "cool" etc. which I felt was a real downer that people cant spend a tad extra time to say thanks, this looks great!! or more..
anyway, on my spree I finally decided to go check out my download history to start leaving my comments... well I was completely overwhelmed with downloads that as I went alone I was leaving shorter and shorter comments, or not at all, just leaving a "thank the artist"
Aaaaahhhh - too much, so I learnt my lesson, and you know what, it is nice to comment peoples creation and put thought into each one. Also I find that when they do leave me comments, i click on their name to comment back and say thank you, but it just bounces back to the home page... Grrrr... this is frustrating!!
Anyway, check out my bikini, its not downloading as much as my other creations, which may be due to the fact that it is a bit out there, or the fact that the picture sucks