Been Busy...
You should be use to that title... Lots of people have those months where not much is really happening, My real life takes over and to be honest work, wedding planning and everyday stuff is filling my free time...
I LOVE my fiance and we are only now really getting into this wedding planning. Got our Intension to Wed from the celebrant. Can't fill that out till October as In Australia you can only submit it not sooner then 18months till the big day... of course its like 20months till our big day being "21st April 2012"
I'm excited and cant wait to start looking/trying on dresses, I want to loooooooosssse those horrid few kilos I put on last year (what bride doesnt) I'm Not THAT fat... ok, I'm extremely cruvy Aus size 12/14. Which I think in US is 10/12?? correct me if I'm wrong. So Ricki-Lee (singer) Cruvey. Diet so far is Nothing dramatic, just aiming healthy, I dont exercise... makes me eat more and I put myself on a reward system which means "Oh I did 30mins exercise, I deserve that cake" LOL
So... Hmmmm, thinking what else I should try, Well I actually have recoloured MORE wedding stuff, dont know if people were too interested in them, So maybe I should CAN those???
What would you be interested in?
Female Swimwear
Male Swimwear
More childrens clothes
More toddlers variation of clothes?
Or Other - make a suggestion?
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