
189Creations 486,206Downloads

twin2162's Blog

A Proud 40,000 Downloads

Considering I'm a newbie and only started creating and submitting early this year, I felt I have achieved and more importantly Improved so much that I can honestly say I'm proud of myself!!

I dont care that I'm not recognised as a good submitter, but I am happy, and there has been atleast One person who always comes back and has a squiz at my creations everytime! So when I find time and time again that they are downloading my new stuff... it means I am doing well!!

As most of you other creators out there!!

I may not be all up with meshing and all those difficult recolours, but i do try! And thank you, to especially Liana - for helping me understand how to recolour someone else's mesh with permission! She does have free downloads and does have rules that I can abide by! You should never be afraid to ask for help!! So thanks again.

So far I have two of her meshes from her site, One personally made by her, and the other was a donation mesh from Ulkrhsn! So thank you!

Anyway, as far as NEW recolours goes. I have two winter outfits in a set, three summer outfits for teens in a set, two hair revamps (cut/colour style) which includes a home made facepainted fringe, which looks great (But you will find that with all recoloured hair that it is a different colour to most, feel free to recolour yourself!! Once uploaded) and four eye shadows in a set! These a very nice colours as well!!

Unfortunatly due to something wrong with the uploading process, I cant seem to upload any of my creations. I have already sent a detailed message to the support team, but I am still eagerly waiting for a reply, so i must be paitent!!

And my wonderful winter wear following....


More June Uploads - Female Tux Set

This Set contains only 2 Items. Recoloured from an outfit in Nightlife. These Formal Items were inspired by the Tux - creating the Female Tux Set!!

They are in Pending at the moment. Cross fingers they are approved. Hope you like them!!

Thank you

Twin2162 aka Caitlin

New Uploads for June

As in Australia its WINTER. I decided to upload my winter woolley outfits that I have been working on for a while. I have many many more outfits that aren't quite finished yet. But one day They will be, lol

They have already been published, so please find them in my downloads!!

The first is a lovely red jacket which I them duplicated and recoloured black. I thought hard about whether or not I should recolour more. maybe even a white jacket. But the two items just went so much better together then ruining it with an additional white coat!

Even still, it was hard to find a mesh that went well with my pictures. so it took a lot of adjusting. So if you love a good winter outfit. I'm your girl. I will be attempting to create two/three more very soon!


I have also completed my formal Tux set. two items, that you should find appealing, please view my screenshots to check it out!! I Just need to edit the screenshots. Oh I try to make them look appealing, But constantly fail. Even the one above me... which is an Improvment for my previews, I am not happy with!! So I shall have to hunt down ideas from other artist.

I have already decided that my name should be small and in the corner of the picture. the background should be plain, so not to draw attention. and the items should be clearly shown in the picture, with the items name above or below the pictures.

Ah, the troubles of uploading...

anyway, hopefully you enjoy them... Yay!! Up to 35thousand now. Please keep up the feedback. its really appreciated!!


Yep... I'm happy!! I have hit 30,000 downloads. Yep I'm proud... excuse me while I do a victory dance!!




Whoo!! I'm pumped!!

Yeah thats pretty much all I want to say! Hmm... here is some updates!: My sister at hotchick42 (ok, it was created in high school so yes that name was apprpriate back then. Now we are twenty) Anyway, she has created her first dress!! Yay for her, I am sooo proud! No she hasnt uploaded, but it is really good. So one day!! ok!!

I'm happy for her

Whoo!! Over 20,000 Downloads...

I am one very proud person to finally have 57 lovely (beginner) uploads with 20,000 downloads made! My most popular item is the snazzy bikini set. but I shall see with my other uploads only uploaded yesterday!!

This really does give me the urge to keep on trying to create!! I was going through a seleted Artists work. I went all the way through there creations back to when they first started uploading. Now after a year of uploads, her uploads are amazingly good. But back in the day her first lot were very average looking, nothing spectacular! Which is comforting to know, I know I may not be the best, and I need to learn a lot more, but I am improving, just as she did!


Finally I have put some colour on my page!! YES!! I sooooooo wanted Purple, but the colour looked like my ipod (which is purple) but its like a bluey dark colour. So, I stuck with the pink to give it a girly effect! Sooon I shall get a banner, I know, exciting... But that means earning 3000 Kudos... Ahhh, that seems sooooo hard! it means, I need to up my game, keep my uploads coming and make them excellent so people will continue to download them!!

I am One who really likes commenting on peoples work, why else would I take the time to look at them, I cant download most of the items I comment on, as they are subscriber only, I really dont see the point of posting a little blurb like "nice work" It takes the point out of comments. if you like an item, take the time to comment!! Describing why you do!! thats how I like to do it!!

Anyway, proud to finally reach 20,000 its an achievement that only I'd understand!!

Thanks to all my downloaders... Love yas all... Thank you

Twin2162 aka Caitlin

My sister now has her own site name (Hotchick42)

5 New Sets!! Also Note about my Zip folders

Its 1st of June and I have 5 new sets that I am uploading. Two in which I had previously tried but failed to upload until now!! How excited am I that they have finally been upoaded after all this work on them!

Now, I have just realised that all my zips seem to involve (once extracted) clicking through folders in this order: documents and settings, caitlin, EA Games, Sims2, Saved Sims - (folder name here) to get the items. What a pain to go through, but make note: its simple and easy, just keep clicking through untill you get the download!! Simple!! I have started placing the zips on my desktop, so no more of that I can assure you!!

First upload is a set of eyes

As you can see all the lovely colours. Hope you enjoy them!! I the collection is actually called "beatuy eyes" from a contact lense ordering site. Great colours, I will soon do more!!

Now, I have also done a kids set of clothing, something a little different, Its a collection of pink and blue bright candy colours!! all were recolours of BASE GAME ONLY clothes, so no need for expansions, YAY!! I will try and keep this up for all you beginners out there!!


and now the two last ones require MESH from page 4! The outfits include a work/formal outfit that you will find quite nice and skinny jeans with a little vest.

the skirts have three recolours of Red, Green and Purple

last but not least the Jeans, recolours in Blue, Green and Pink

Hope you find all these sets very enjoyable.


I am sooooooo happy that i have reached 10,000 Downloads, that means 10,000 people love my work!! or maybe loved a few!!

I have been at this only a little while, so I am happy its going well... Hey, I'm a begginer so I'm allowed to celebrate!! Just let me stay in the spot light a little longer!!

My partner has come back from a long two weeks away so I probably wont get much time to create new outfits like when he was away!! But I will try and squeeze in a little computer time!! Maybe sometime this weekend I will upload a new eye colour collection!! that should be fun!!

I am looking at putting together a Jamie collection again! Something from the base game and from an expansion! Should be fun there, maybe some more formal outfits, i shall see...

Welll happy simming to all you out there, and keep on downloading!! :)

Twin2162 aka Caitlin and Jessica

Yay!! New Approved Uploads - 15/5/09

Excuse me while I scream... AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

Thank you to Dumlekola for giving me a little help on how to upload eyes!! so now I have a set of 4 new eyes. and 6 yeah, a set of 6 Dresses... as you can see below, Silver, Green, Gold, Purple, Pink and Blue. Please download once published and tell me how they go in the game!!


As for the Eyes, thank you again to the above mentioned submitter who I ran to for help, I finally uploaded my first set of eye colours, soon to be more!! Yay!! Here's a preview

As you can see there is Hazel, Violet, Blue and Grey.... just a few simple colours to start with!! :)


Next Time I think I will put a little more effot into the display picture!! hope you like, please once they are published, download and tell me how they go!!

Thank you to all my lovely downloading fans... if I have any yet!! but hey, you see them, you like them, you download them... easy!! Lov yas!!

Twin2162 aka Caitlin and Jessica


AHHH... Having Trouble uploading

Can anyone help me, I am new to all this and cant work out why this is happening, the totorials dont help!!

1. I try to upload a set, it comes back saying the file name must contain the word collection... I name EVERYTHING collection!!

2. I tried to upload some eye recolours, that just gets rejected saying I need a in game image!! So where do I put Swatch.bmp image, in the zip folder... Cuz I tell you know, I cant put them in the same folder for 4 differnt images named the same...

Do I put it in preview image... I dont think sooo, Cuz that should only be a preview of the item!!

or what about the animated GIF image area?? I have given that a go! see if that works

5,000 Downloads Hit... 12/5/09

I am sooooooo Happy that I have had 5,000 People download my creations (dont have that many thanks and comments) But who cares, this is like a milestone to me!!

This gives me the motivation to keep going with my creations. At the moment I am working on eye collection! there are some really nice colours I am putting together. In pending I have a set of four just for starters. which are simple bright colours that I found (They are Real colours you can get in contacts) Cool...

Any whom... Once I have got to about... Hmmm 5!! Sets I will try to moce towards more jamies!! Something I anticipate starting soon!! Wish me luck!! :)

The picture seems fuzzy, but my model is wearing the Violet contacts. They look great in the game!!

Latest Headlines

A Proud 40,000 Downloads More June Uploads - Female Tux Set New Uploads for June 30,000 Downloads... Whoo!! Over 20,000 Downloads... 5 New Sets!! Also Note about my... 10,000 Downloads! Yay!! New Approved Uploads -... AHHH... Having Trouble uploading 5,000 Downloads Hit... 12/5/09
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