twofee's Blog
i did it!
thats right, i survived 4 years of college and am now officaially a college graduate, an alumnus, a smarty pants. i couldnt have done it without my family to support me and the best friends and teammates a girl could ask for :) the ones who make life worth living. thanks to the professors and classmates who gave me a great education, ive learned so much and not just about intellectual things. i wish the best for all the rest of my class, may we all go on to the bigger and better things that await us and i hope that some of our paths might cross again. to those whove already graduated, im so happy to join you on this side of life. to those who have yet to cross the stage and turn their tassel, enjoy the rest of the ride. to the class of 2009, heck yes, WE DID IT! :) special shout outs to katie, tahnee, dani jo, vanessa, parker, and scott. love you too erin and steph!
t minus 2 weeks....
...until graduation. less than 2 weeks actually since the ceremony is on sunday. i get to move out and go back home in 2 weeks. its crazy that 4 years of college went by sooooo fast. its all down to the last week of class and then a week of finals. its crunch time, end of the semester but for once i have seemily little going on in the education department. i gave my presentation today, i turned in my 11 page paper a week early already, i have a silly little lab quiz tomorrow, but thats it. instead i get to clean our townhouse, plan/get ready for our big swim party this weekend, take in our zipups to get embroidery done, start studying for finals, and ta in the anatomy lab aka do nothing. i guess i shouldnt complain, i did bust my butt alot this semester so its well deserved and it gives me time to hangout with the friends i might never see again and the ones im going to miss like crazy after just one day apart.
ok gotta run, off to my last class of my last monday as an undergrad.
yay red cross! i just bled volunatrily at the blood drive at my school and almost passed out, but i got a free tshirt! :) i vote that everyone who is able to donate blood at least once in their life....its not that scary and doesnt hurt too much....bring a friend to keep you company or pop in some headphones and rock out to your fave song, talk to the people who are working and youll hardly even notice whats going on. when youre done you get free juice and cookies! :) yummy! plus youll feel great knowing you are helping make a difference, you are saving a life...and thats pretty darn awesome! :)
my life is over....well a main part of it atleast
swimming is now done. i was so excited to be done with this season, but i was not really ready to be done forever. i dont think the reality of it will set in until next october when the season would start up again. its been the main and constant part of my life for the last 9 years. i know that i wont ever really let it go, but its just not the same when you are no longer part of a team and participating in competitions. ive made some of my best friends through swimming and i know ill never lose them, but think of how many more i could gain if i was allowed to swim forever. of course my injury prevents that, and old age (not that 22 is old, but swimming is starting to take its toll on my body already). i also dont know if i could mentally handle never getting any better times for some of my events. it was hard enough being fustrated with my times for this season, even though i made some great lifetime best times in the fly. i need a swim vacation, not retirement. atleast i still get to spend some time at the pool teaching a friend how to swim so she canjoin the team next year :) there is also always studying to be done, but who wants to do that?
yeah so week one of my final undergrad semester is almost over. looks like im going to be insanely busy...lots of studying and lots of reading, more so than usual it seems. plus i have to help ta for human anatomy...which im nervous and excited for. basically what im saying is my simming days are pretty much on offical hold for a while. ill be around on lazy sundays if my hmwk is done or if i need a study break. hope you all have fun simming while im off getting smart-a-fied and dont forget to stop by and leave me a message letting me know how much you miss me! haha jk. lots of love from stefi :)
new tsr
yeah so i logged in this am, like usual and viola! new tsr. it looks nice, its just going to take a little adjustment and getting used to. the one thing that im upset about is that my lovely avatar is now gone. and not just gone from the site, but gone forever. the screenshot used to make my pretty avatar has long since disappeared in the great uninstall of this summer/fall/again this winter. now i have to go make another one...only with what time? i still have to pack for my trip and do a million other errands. so i guess youll just have to look at the thrilling standard generic female representation. on a happy note i can now write awesome blogs...not that anyone will ever read them, but i still like to write them and make snarky comments. peace out and happy simming...see you when i return from my swimming fun in the sun adventure!