Go Forth- Mesh and Multiply
I've been playing the Sims for some time now. The obsession started with the very first Sims game and developed into a habit that still confounds me.
Back in the days, there were Koi fish in the pond and a garden even Walter would be jealous of (Bi-Lo fans anyone?). Never even thought about making items for the game at that point, then came along Sims 2.
For some reason, I didn't get into Sims 2 as much- it seemed easier to make things, but the obsession, at least for a time was over.
Now- Sims 3.
That old feeling of needing to "paint", "recolor", "mesh" and "multiply" are all back running through my veins like some kind of bad addiction and it is making me do things like learn. I have never in my life spent so much time awake wondering "now, how do I....", or "if I could just...." and "wouldn't that bar look great....” Really. There should be a twelve-step program for Sim-mers and a Rehab facility in the game to detox from the Sims world.
My Sim would be in a room, on the bed rolled up in a ball shaking uncontrollably. The pictures in her "thought cloud" would be of computers with X's through them and burning books, along with the words MESH and MULTIPLIER in flames or at the very least, frightening fonts.
Sigh- if I could only learn.
I am trying and others are trying to teach me. It’s going to be a long, hard road, but in those famous Sim Words-
"Go Forth- Mesh and Multiply"