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weirdling2's Blog

Blog 27

Heh. Guess my summer has been a bit busier than I expected. At last some of my work that I created forever ago is now slowly being uploaded onto the site. Very slowly, but I am getting there. I have several picture packs to get through and a few houses... and perhaps a pet or two.

Blog 26

 My personal life is not quite as "messy" as I reported in November, I am happy to say. So that means I can possibly start putting up new things on TSR. :) Some of these things have been made for quite some time now... it's just a matter of taking pctures of all of it and loading them up when I have the time. This spring and summer is going to be a busy one, though... filled with a lot of house repair. It makes me wonder sometimes why I wanted to actually own my own home. I keep wanting to call the landlord to fix some things in the house but I can't because the landlord is me. ;)

 I did put together a Legacy challenge just for the fun of it. I have been playing it out and it is actually turning out fairly well. I think after I finish playing it the whole way through, I will start another family and base a story around the whole thing and actually post it up here. If anybody is interested in trying it out themselves it is here:
 No, I did not put in a "points" system. I know lots of people do, but that is just me. :)

 As soon as I am able, I will be posting up more content.

 Everybody have a fantastic week!

Blog 25

 Well, I am back. So far I have been putting up content that was made early this past summer but here pretty soon I will be uploading more recently created content.

 My personal life is still pretty messy and I could still be prone to disappear without warning. (Just as a possible heads up kind of thing.) It has been one heck of a year so far for me, and I can only hope that it continues to get better.

Happy simming, people!

Blog 24

It is probably going to be a long time before I will be on here with new content. My world is falling apart, and I honestly do not know how bad it is going to get. I wish all of you the very best.

Blog 23

I have at last started getting some of the things a created months ago uploaded. *YAY* Most of the problem is getting all the screenshots together and a little bit is testing some of it before I put it up... I am just glad I appear to be finished with that whole being sick thing. What a way to spend part of your summer. :( Couple that with doing a lot of house repair and gardening, and you find yourself with very little free time on your hands.

 Tomorrow Pagan Pictures 2 and Pin Up Girls 2 will be available for download. The newest Pagan Pack has been made for at least two months now... about time, eh? The Pin Up Pack is somewhat more recent, I just needed to finish it up properly. There is another Pin Up pack that I just put into queue today, I do not foresee any problems with it so it should be available in the next couple of days. I have two other Pin Up Packs that are partly finished as well. However those will be quite different that the others that I have been putting together... well, you will see that for yourselves when the time comes. :) Also coming up is another cross stictch pack (and that is only because somebody requested it. Don't think I want to make more of those anymore) two or three houses, an apartment building, a public park, and if it turns out the way I want it to a Showtime venue. I am sure that there are other things either made or partially made that I am forgetting about as well.


 Happy Simming!

Blog 22

I am slowly getting myself back on track again, I am happy to say. I have just put in a new house (Currently waiting for approval) and have a few picture packs almost ready to go. I had also created a sim that I was going to put up on here but I changed my mind about that. So I put her up on the Sims 3 site instead. Nothing against TSR (far from it) but I'm not sure that it is a sim that would have passed the criteria that they have, and I was not going to change one single thing on her because I love her just the way that she is. :) Anyway, it's good to be creating again.

 Everybody have a wonderful day, and Happy Simming!

Blog 21

 Due to illness I have not been very active on here recently. As soon as things settle down I am sure that will change... I do have things made, I just need to get all the screenshots and tweak a few things. Everyone have a lovely day, and Happy Simming!

Blog 20

 I have two new sets coming out soon, Vintage Photo Set 2 and Vintage Children Photos. I really enjoy making vintage look things, and I really like the way that they look in my houses in game. Soon I will have some houses finished as well, I am pleased to say. And yes, one of them will be haunted. :)

Blog 19

 Today I have available for download what I call "Wedding Couple Topper Sketch". I did this to celebrate my husband an I's wedding anniversary that will be at the end of this month. Now there is a tale behind that little wedding cake topper, and I thought that perhaps other people would like to read it. (You know, in case people are really, really bored.) About three months before our actual wedding day, we still did not have a top for our cake. We looked at many, both in the stores and online, and we simply didn't like any of them. We were stating to think that maybe we should just have it without a topper at all since we were being so picky about it. But one day I was in his parents attic with his mother hunting up some antique glasswear to use for the reception when his Mom found this small box tucked away in the very back of the attic. We opened it up since she had no idea what was in it... I don't think that she had ever even seen it before, to be honest. (There is a lot of stuff in theat attic, the family has been collecting stuff for the last 200 years. Not kidding.) There was all sorts of nifty things in that box, but at the very bottem was a sweet little wedding couple topper from the 1920's. It was a bit battered and the brides head was off, but I fell in love with it. I showed it to my sweetheart and he really liked it too, so we decided to use that. I of course had to glue the head back on the bride (although there was a brief moment of insanity where we considered just placing the head at the couples feet as a gag) and I touched up the paint job some so it didn't look quite so ragged. The couple is not worth anything in an antique market in spite of it's age but it's worth a great deal to us.


 So for anybody who is interested in downloading that little wall hanging it can be found here: 

 Below is a photo of the cake topper without me editing it do death. :)


Blog 18

First the good news: At last our primary computer is completely fixed and almost everything has been reinstalled. Yay! Took us a bit longer than we had thought, but it was worth it. My game runs smoothly now, and other programs are running wonderfully as well. Such a relief! Thank goodness my husband is such a tech head. :)  So in time I will eventually have new things up for grabs. I refuse to give a target time, though, because every time I try to do that something goes wrong.




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