Blog 14 - BOOM
Last night, bad things happened with our computer. Very bad things of the screaming and tearing out your hair varity. Our hard drive is now fried and other things damaged as well. This means everything is gone. My games, the projects I was working on (and not just sim stuff) are completely wiped out. We are going to have to get a new hard drive now... that could take a little while since we are currently running a little lean on cash. *sigh* So it could be quite a while before I have anything new out. I am attempting to look at this in a positive light... perhaps this will be a fresh start when it comes to creating. Maybe I can take old ideas and turn them into something better, or have come up with something completely new.
In the meantime, if anybody has a rather large hardrive that they want to give me that would be great. ;O)
Have a great week, and happy simming folks! With luck I will be "seeing" you all again real soon!