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weirdling2's Blog

Blog #7

I am so angry that I could just scream my head off. I am trying to use the TSR Bug fixer. I have followed the instructions. Repetedly. Why is it refusing to recognize that "Granny Crowd Scene Demo" IS INSTALLED! It says it's not. Yes it is. I actually installed it three seperate times, thank you very much. I am considering taking my computer outside and shooting it.

Blog #6

 Recently I put up a screenshot titled "Sisters". They are sims that I painstakingly put together just to see if they would turn out the way I saw them in my head. They didn't exactly, but I am still pretty pleased with the way that they look. Now if I could just find some decent long curly hair that does not stick out a foot away from the chest area... perhaps someday.:) (Because goodness knows it won't be ME who does that, no talent there.) But the hair that I found works really well for them, and that beautiful gown by Meronin is just PERFECT for them. I would love to upload them on this site, but they are not a celebrity or anything like that... they just came out of my head. However, I DID upload them to the sims3 site. So for those people who would like to own them for your own game can get them here: Talbot Sisters

Make sure to actually READ the description so you know where to get the two bits of CC (Dress and Hair) so they will look like that. I am always surprised at how many people do not bother and then whine when something goes wrong.

Blog #5

Due to circumstances well beyond anybodys control, I will not really be on here for the next week or so... possibly longer. There are some concerns that require my immediate and full attention.

Blog #4

I have really started to get moving on creating. :D I hope to actually have some creations actually stockpiled in my computer by the time everthing is said and done, that way I can get to the next big project; storytelling and videos. I have all the ideas for those scribbled down in my notebook, but I don't really have the plotlines completely together yet. (What that translates to is I don't have the endings yet.) Recently I uploaded a few more of my little things: New Beginnings Home, a picture of Rob Zombies artwork, and coming out on the 27th another home titled Plainview Home. Both of the houses are ment to be starter homes, and boy were they a pain in the rear to put together! To those builders that manage to make a starter home cost effective and look attractive, I take my hat off to you and bow. Towards the end of making Plainview I was starting to twitch and pull out handfuls of my hair. (Perhaps I made the rooms a tad too big.) At the time of this writing I have two other things uploaded and waiting to be approved. One is just a simple picture of Buddha (who I have all thru my living room) and the other is titled "Portrait of a Medieval Lady". That one is actually six pictures in one and I had actually made that one for myself. But I was fairly pleased with the way that it looked in game, so I thought that others would get some enjoyment from them as well. I have a few more houses that will be (slowly) coming out over the next few weeks, as well as a picture packet or two. I am also still struggling to understand how to do "logos" on t-shirts... I don't know why I am not getting this. It's making me pretty mad. I know that it isn't that hard, yet it constantly eludes me. *sigh* Have a beautiful day, and Happy Simming!

Blog #3

Today I uploaded and had approved a new pack of pictures, named "The Red Pop Tops Blues Band". It should be available for download on Sept 15th. I had been playing a household of musicians that had formed a band and had kept thinking to myself; " I wish I had more pictures of various bands for my sims walls/bar walls. So I actually made these for myself and decided that others would probably like to have them as well.If people seem to like them, perhaps I will make another pack of other various bands as well ... because I think that I am going to want more for myself. :) I still have more stuff slowly coming together that I will be uploading, but currently I cannot give an exact timeline on when that would be. I could be as little as two days or as long as three weeks... it just depends on what happens. Not only with how long it take me to put all that together, but I have been doing a lot of stuff at home recently and soon I have that whole Halloween thing to worry about. And Halloween is a very big deal around here. We like Halloween better than Christmas, actually.

Happy Simming!

Blog #2

Today I uploaded "Romper Apartments" and it should be available for download on Sept 12. I did run a sim through it for a few days to test it, and that particular sim seemed to like it quite a bit. Next thing that should be coming up is another picture packet, though I am not sure which one will be finished up first. (So typical of me to work on three of those all at the same time.) But when I have those finished and properly tested I will be sure to have those out as soon as possible. I also have a house about to come out, the structure itself finished but there are actually some decorations that I will need to create to finish the house.:) So that one might be another week or so yet, depending on how long the other projects take. Happy Simming!Romper Apartments

Blog #1

I figured that it was about time that I actually start blogging on here; that way people know what I am working on currently as well as knowing why it is taking so darned long for me to put something out.:) It WILL be a little while yet before I actually have anything new for download. I have several different projects cooking all at the same time and mediforically speaking the kitchen is starting to get blazing hot.:) I do this to myself frequently, I get a burst of thirty different ideas and try to work on all of them all at once. Currently the things in the works are: 4 houses, 1 club, 1 apartment building, 5 picture packs, 3 stories, a possible t-shirt or two if I can get it right, and 6 sim videos for YouTube. You would think by now I would know better than to attempt to try to work on that amount all at once, but I just can't seem to stop it. (You should see the notebook I have filled with notes that I have for these things as well as possible ideas for future projects, it's almost full and virtually unreadable by anybody but myself.) I think that the first one that will be available will be the apartment building, it just needs a few finishing touches on the inside as well as the landscapeing to be perfected and THEN for me to actually play in it with a sim for a few hours to make sure that everthing is as it should be. So start watching for it within the next week or two... hopefully by then not only will I have that finished, but a few other projects as well.

Happy Simming!

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