Renovator's Delight
Do you play the TSR Challenges? Personally, I love them and if you haven't tried them out yet, I highly recommend them. Anyway, last year Wolfsim68 made a really fun challenge involving a run-down house that players needed to renovate. It was great fun and I really loved how my house cleaned up. As it turned out, many fellow players also enjoyed the screenshots I shared so I've decided to provide it for everyone to download and play. :)
This 'downloadable' version has been reduced to just Seasons Country match CC available here on TSR - thanks to SimAddict99, Mutske and MsBarrows for these lovely extensions. If you want SimAddict99's sofa recolours you'll also need to download her recolour files separately, as linked to on the lot download profile - unfortunately, recolours are still not packaging with lots.
Also, I'm once again apologising for a long absence. I've been struggling with having to reformat my computer over the course of the last month and needless to say, it didn't go so well and required more than one reformat to get everything straightened around. Fingers crossed, that's behind me now and hopefully as I get the last few programmes re-installed, I'll get back to regular updates once again. I really cannot express just how much I appreciate everyone holding on and holding out for me here.
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