Designer Pointsettias
Have you seen the variety of pointsettias you can buy these days? Last year my granny found these really unusual (to me) blue and cream ones that she just fell in love with. She bought one and under her green thumb the thing flourished for months. I'd never seen a blue pointsettia before but they certainly became really popular fast. My personal favourites have always been the pink coloured ones - solid dusty rose pink, spotted pink, mixed pink and cream - they're just a little softer and more delicate looking than the stark red ones, I think.
Anyway, I thought our Sims should have a wider choice of pointsettias available to them as well so I've made some of these new 'designer' breeds. The set contains 2 pink and cream versions - one a light pink and the other a dark pink (or brighter, if you will) - and a soft blue and cream version. I also made a copper and blue pot to use with them.