wildstar24's Blog
Not MIA (Yet)
Hi, folks. Just thought I'd keep you posted on my current situation, should you be wondering where my usual monthly sets of garden flag recolours have gone or why I haven't completed your request or why I may have read your PM but not yet responded, etc. etc. etc.In short, I've returned to work. Some of you may know that I'm a teacher; an elementary school teacher (grade one, currently), to be precise. While our classes haven't started quite yet, we've had the half of the school building I work in renovated over the summer holidays and this week we PYP teachers are attempting to put our classrooms back together again. That means a ton of moving classroom furniture and unpacking 30+ boxes per classroom, sorting, organising, binning rubbish - you name it - all with last minute construction continuing around us. Needless to say, the days are long and arduous, I'm exhausted when I come home and my body is sore and aching and I can barely consentrate enough to focus when it comes to the computer. As of today when I left work, things were finally starting to take direction and hopefully tomorrow will chew off the rest of the worst of it - at least we live in hope that it will.
Anyway, we'll be meeting our new classes/students next Monday - hopefully the weekend will help to refresh me - and these first 1-2 weeks will probably continue to have me up in the air creations-wise as I try to balance getting settled with a new class, new work areas, new schedules, keeping up with the housework, creations, having a personal life (*gasp*) and oh yeah, the new EP coming out shortly. Bare with me and throw in a life preserver if I don't resurface. ;)
Garden & Farm Tools
Inspiration for this set is thanks to Sk8Iowa - she made a request in the forums for buyable versions of the Seasons autumn leaves and while I haven't been able to get those objects to work exactly as I want them to (yet), I did decide to go ahead and bundle up these hand tools for you all to enjoy with the approaching autumn.Set includes hanging, dropped and leaning versions of a fan rake, hoe, spade, scythe and hedge shears, plus a watering can. To cut down on file sizes, I've made all the hanging versions master texture files and they will be required for the dropped and leaning versions. All objects are base game compatible and I've also included a collection file so you can quickly and easily find everything. :) Look for this set this coming Mon., Aug. 20'07.
Ongoing Project - Modern Line Recolours
And so it begins...I've always enjoyed Sandy's (Around the Sims) Modern Line series - both for TS1 and again for TS2. I was even happier when Nanshi_Nibble made some truly lovely recolours of the Modern Line bedroom and since then I have secretly hoped she might continue those recolours to the rest of the rooms in the series. I finally mentioned this desire to Nanshi and we decided it would be a nice project to share, as the sheer volume of objects to recolour is quite vast. So, I've chosen to continue the Moonglow and Ginger recolours and Nanshi has kindly provided me with her textures to ensure a perfect match - thanks, Nanshi! :)
Right, enough babbling - here's the beginning: Moonglow Modern Line study; will publish this week on Thurs., Aug. 16'07.
And since Sandy is always so wonderful about providing different EP compatible versions of her objects, I thought I'd do up seperate sets for these to make it easier on downloaders who might be using a newer EP compatible version as opposed to the base game versions. A study set including the UNI and Pets bookcases and Pets chairs will follow this Fri., Aug. 17'07.
And finally, I haven't decided yet if I'm going to do all the Moonglow recolours first and then start in on the Ginger recolours or do each recolour for each room one after the other. Have a preference? Let me know! :)
Resized Diver Sculptures
Right. So you might remember that about a month ago, we had a marine and nautical theme week going. Well, I had every intention of participating, as I normally do with theme weeks - I had tons of ideas and even started a few projects. Unfortunately, these projects ground to a halt when they suddenly seemed to start boycotting my editing work and I was forced to set them aside. I've only just now come back to them and finally wrangled them into submission.So, if you still have the urge to build wonderful nautical themed lots or decorate your Sims' homes with curious marine stuff, here is a set of diver sculptures resized from the original giant OFB versions; a Sim-sized and desktop-sized version is included, plus three recolours and all base game compatible. Publish date is set to this coming Friday, Aug. 3'07.
NOTE: In an effort to cut down on file bloatage, I have made the small version a texture slave file to the medium version - you will absolutely need the medium-sized version in order for the small one to work properly.
July Flag Sets
I've been a bit quiet lately - enjoying my holiday. I will, however, try to get back to a more regular creation schedule and to begin with, I've done up the next two flag sets for this month.First up, new baby flags! I actually had a request for these waaaay back when I first released my garden flag mesh - apologies for it taking so long to get done. You'll find pairs of flags, one for boys and one for girls, some generic baby flags and after a lot of hunting, I also managed a twins flag (with Simlish text).
Then, celebrate your new arrival's growth with the second set, birthday flags! Unlike the party flags I released previously, these flags are specifically for birthdays, with a lot of cakes, candles and everything else a good birthday needs. And don't forget to include granny and grandad in the mix with the fun 'over the hill' flag, too! :P
Party Time Flags
All right, I was too bushed to upload this set last night but it's posted now and ready to launch bright and early tomorrow morning, just in time for Midsummer parties. :)So, you wondered where all the Happy New Years flags went to earlier this year? Well, it turns out that New Years-themed flags are a rather rare creature still (although I'm sure that will change in time) so instead I collected up a bunch of general party-themed flags and decided to release them now in honour of graduation time and summer party frolicking. Hope you enjoy them. ;)
Updated Contact Lenses
I've updated my two contact lens sets to now be multi-layerable. This means that they can now be worn with other full face costume makeups, both Maxis and custom. The new versions have already been uploaded so go download them now: Photo Realistic Contact Lenses and Feline Contact Lenses.Now On Holiday!
End of the year ceremonies for the school where I teach were held yesterday and I am now officially on summer holiday - whoot! :D And of course, as I type this, it is pouring down rain in typical Skåne fashion. :( Guess it's a good thing I didn't lugg my camera down to the flower festival today as I'd planned.Anyway, I'm telling you this because it means that after a very busy month and an even busier week this past week, I'm hoping to finally get back to my Sim creations again with a little more dedication than has currently been the case. I'll keep you posted shortly. ;)
Wedding Garden Flags
If you've been going through flag withdrawal, you'll be happy to hear that I'm back from a short break. :D Hubby and I celebrated our 5-year anniversary together last month, then had friends of mine from Canada 'drop' by to visit (amazingly the first since I moved here!). And of course with only a week left of the school year, work has been insanely busy so a little break from TSR seemed in order. However, I'm back now and will continue to dole out creations in a more regular schedule again.So, first up - more flags! As June is the most popular month for weddings, it seemed fitting to have some flags catering to this theme available. They go quite nicely with the lovely new wedding objects available in the Celebrations! Stuff Pack, if you have it (that is where the cute little anime bride and groom statue is from). Just half a dozen flags in this small set but I promise you more party related flags later this month. ;)
Welcome Flags
Well, back to flags again. Just a quick update to let you all know that the second flag collection for this month will be releasing this coming Monday, May 14'07 and features a healthy variety of all-purpose and all-season flags featuring the word 'welcome' on them.
In the meantime I'm hoping to get back to some of those projects I've started and put to the side but would like to finally get wrapped up. Hopefully with the extra long weekend next week I'll find a good chunck of time to get onto those.