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wildstar24's Blog

Mardi Gras Flags

Here they are - the second batch of flags I promised for this month. I realise that Mardi Gras is not a highly popular celebration but I thought these images were pretty fun looking and could easily double for generic party flags. :)

Next, I'll admit that I've been dragging my feet on doing my next living room set. I have the textures, I have the general idea of what I want it to look like but I'm having trouble just sitting myself done and doing it. I'll try to hunker down and instill some self-discipline into myself and get this set wrapped up for you very soon.

Valentine's Flags

The slew of flags I made for winter and the holidays were very popular, I'm happy to say. I had numerous people asking me if I would continue to provide flags for the rest of the holidays throughout the year and the answer is YES! Later this week a set of Valentine's and love-themed flags will be published.

I have another set of flags ready to launch later this month as well but I'll keep that a little surprise for now. I'm also putting together some nice generic flag sets, although I'm not too sure when I'll release those but I'll probably start to sprinkle them in with my other planned creations shortly so keep watching this space for the news. :)

Longevity Bedroom

I couldn't help myself, I had to do another recolour of the Tokyo bedroom. :)

The Longevity Bedroom once again features smooth minimalistic style and a Japanese flair. This time around I opted for a more monochromatic colour scheme of muted greys, whites, silver, black and a bold mahogany wood for warmth and passion - never a bad thing to have in the bedroom. ;) Once again I've created an artistic focal point to the room using the wall panel light; this time it's a muted watercolour of Japanese cranes in a mating dance. And as the crane is a symbol of longevity, the bed linens also feature the Asian symbol for longevity in rich red. Accent pieces this time around include a spotted granite pot of dogwood branches and a cracked dove grey vase. The walls are a white rice paper and the floor is one of the shag carpets that came with GLS.

Next up on my schedule is yet another bedroom set but this time it will be for the kiddies - something refreshingly different, bright and fun!

Serenity Bedroom

After finding myself using Padre333's beautiful Tokyo bedroom set time and again in many of my Sim houses lately, I found fresh inspiration. :)

The Serenity Bedroom features a minimalistic style with a Japanese flair. Rice paper wall treatment of seafoam green add a subtle textural contrast to smooth ebony wood and silver accents. A vibrant Japanese silkscreen of a sunset harbour forms the shoji screen for a dramatic wall panel light and room focal point. Lastly, a softly rippling water design to the bed linens ties the silkscreen print into the rest of the room for a balanced harmony. Accent deco pieces include a weather copper pot with dried grasses and a glass vase.

Thank you for the wonderful meshes, Peter! ;)

Bold and Beautiful - Lipsticks

As promised, I've updated with the second line of Reflections high gloss lipsticks. This set is geared specifically towards dark skintones and is a great choice for sophisticated businesswomen or for a night out of high class clubbing. However, it does also work with light skintones, too and actually makes for a bold gothic statement if that's your thing. :) They're available for teen through elder females.

I may make a third set for this series of midtone 'au naturale' glosses but I'll wait to see what people think of these first sets first.

Finally Caught Up!

Whew! Well it took nearly an entire month but I've finally caught up with the massive amount of comments that came in while I was away on vacation during December. I'm still flattered with the responses, as usual, but hopefully now you will all receive a more timely reply from me when leaving feedback. :)

New Cosmetics Arriving Soon!

In my continuation to take a little break from object meshing and recolouring, I've deviated into cosmetics. It's been a loooong time since I really toyed around in Bodyshop and looking back on my earliest works, I hope you'll agree that these new additions are much (much!) better.

So today I've finished the first set in a line of high gloss lipsticks called Reflections. These first eight feature a mix of soft and bright pastel-like colours, which I think are perfect for those sweet and flirty girl-next-door Sims (you know the type - think Mary Jane Watson from Spiderman and all that jazz :P ). They're available for teen through elder females and are best suited to lighter skin tones.

Don't worry, though, I've not forgotten our darker skinned gals. Following up on this light and airy line will be a darker and more sophisticated selection of colours. Stay tuned!

Photo Realistic Contact Lenses

Since I seem to be having something of a creator's block for my object/room sets, I thought I'd change gears for a bit and work on some Bodyshop creations that I've been pushing to the back burner far too long. So today I finally sat down and converted my photo realistic eyes into contact lens versions. I don't normally use contact lenses on my Sims but contact lens versions of my feline eyes from Hallowe'en received such positive feedback and downloads that I thought perhaps people would appreciate having this set available in a similar fashion. :)

Incidentally, while I'm very much not the New Year's resolution maker-type, I have unofficially set a small goal for myself this year to become better at following up on half-finished projects and creation ideas I've let slide. So expect a sprinkling here and there of things I've pulled out of the closet and dusted off, polished up and finalized for sharing. ;)

Little Set Back

In case you're wondering where all those shiny, new creations were I promised, I've had something of a set back. It appears that the old hard drive I had saved all my Sims creation material on has finally died - before I could transfer all the files into my backup hard drive, naturally.

So, I've lost pretty much everything - all my textures, all my meshes, all my templates and package files. It's not really critical stuff compared to what I could have lost on that machine but suffice it to say that having to hunt down all that material all over again (or simply recreate it from scratch) has really put a damper on my creative juices. :(

I am, however, working on a new bedroom set - a nice dark walnut brown version of Sim_man123's Bristol Bay bedroom, which I absolutely fell in love with the minute he released it but it's slow going and I'm having decision crisis on the bedding, walls and floor textures, as well as what type of curtains to include, paintings, rugs, etc. (if any). I'd welcome any input you'd like to see on the set - here's a preview of the set so far.

Back From Vacation

I am returned from vacation and am slowly getting back into TSR again. I'm wading through the literally hundreds of comments, guestbook signings and PMs I've received while away - thank you to everyone who has continued to send feedback, support and thank yous while I was away. :)

Look for new creations very shortly!

Latest Headlines

Mardi Gras Flags Valentine's Flags Longevity Bedroom Serenity Bedroom Bold and Beautiful - Lipsticks Finally Caught Up! New Cosmetics Arriving Soon! Photo Realistic Contact Lenses Little Set Back Back From Vacation
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