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wildstar24's Guestbook

Tuttan74Dec 5, 2007

Ha det så bra hemma i Canada! \:D

Tuttan74Nov 20, 2007

Hur e läget med er?? Bra hoppas jag... Haft Simstorka nu ett tag. \:rolleyes: Trött jämnt tycker jag. Ha de gött! \:cool\:

Velly_0_BellyNov 19, 2007

Great Thanksgiving decor!! My simmies are getting into the spirit of the holidays early this year!

Nina79Nov 19, 2007

No problem, and you're welcome. \:\)

Nina79Nov 18, 2007

Hej! Ville bara säga att dina Thanksgivingsets är fina, jag laddade ner dom för nån dag sen. \:\)

AjoyaNov 16, 2007

Hey Hun! Just dropping in cuz.... Gosh, I really miss chatting with you.\:ph34r\:

minsmusicNov 14, 2007

Yay! Congratulations on your 2 million downloads! That's a huge accomplishment! Keep up the great work. \:rah\: Min.

Sashenka89Nov 12, 2007

tnx 4 the tree set \;\)

shakeshaftNov 12, 2007

Hi Cindy, thank you for your comment on my Colonial Wall Lamp, it is greatly appreciated. Happy Simming !! Andrea \:D

simsrgreatNov 9, 2007

\:P I am gonna keep one and give the rest away. I will try to get more pics on. All the kittens are grown up now. \:\( They grow so fast. LOL

simsrgreatNov 8, 2007

Thanks for signing my guestbook. Here is a link to the kittens (I hope it works) http://s235.photobucket.com/albums/ee143/kja002/ The mom I made red with blue stars and dad is yours.\:cool\:

estaticaNov 5, 2007

Hi Cindy! I'm really happy and honoured by your comment on the modern starter homes. I do hope you enjoy playing with them \:wub\: Ana

MsBarrowsNov 5, 2007

Glad to hear you like the picture frames! I'll likely be doing more in the series (both frames and recolours) but first I'm taking a break to work on some other projects \:\)

MoonlitMaidenNov 5, 2007

Hi, Cindy, long time no see! Miss ya in the beta test forum. \:\( Thanks for the nice comment on the OFB Capris set for elder females. I'm astonished at the response these sets are getting. Guess I hit a nerve. You listening, EA/Maxis? (Don't hold your breath...) \:D Gina

Tuttan74Nov 5, 2007

Vi hade ett Halloweenparty för Madeleine. Hon fyllde 10 den 31. Så vi hade 9 barn här som hade disco! Men det gick bra! Men inga barn kom hit o ringde på. Tyvärr! Jag hade rdan sagt att vi skulle välja bus och sen ta fram vattenpistolerna o sruta vatten på dom! \:D Elakt? \:P Dom skulle få godis också sen! \;\)

savi77Nov 4, 2007

Hi! Thank you for signing my Guestbook!\:D Your creations are very, very good! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

Merin68Nov 2, 2007

\:\) Thank you for commenting in my Guest Book. Your creations are excellent. Happy Simming! \:D

cvscorpio28Nov 1, 2007

your welcome & thanks. \:D \:D \:wub\: \:rah\:

Tuttan74Oct 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!! \:D

ValgridaOct 22, 2007

\:\) Hi! I just answered to the poll question: I really think all the flags look great! You have really nice items! Happy simming & creating!!\:\) \:wub\: \:rah\:

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