wolfspryte (561054)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (539 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Seaside Bedroom TSRAA
Published Dec 20, 2013
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hello, thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoy browsing thru my creations and find something you like for in your game! If you have any suggestions... please let me know!!
I just wanted to let you all know... I've got so much going on right now. Mostly medical/healrh problems. I have been thinking of starting to create for sims 4 (S4), but haven't decided yet.
I've had a couple people ask about being allowed to take my creations and convert them to S4! I thank you for asking, but the answer is NO! If I decide to create again,, I will consider converting them myself.
My Latest Updates Show All
MERRY CHRISTMAS To all and to all a good... New Year! Written Dec 24, 2012
Hello my friends! I would dearly love to be able to go thru all of TSR and wish each of you a wonderful and happy Season of Peace and Joy! But, alas.. it would take days to do that.. and that would take a lot of time from creating! ;) I wish you all the peace and joy of this wonderful Season! A very Merry Christmas to you and yours! A Joyous Noel, Happy Chanuhka,... ...More
and More Ramblings... Written Sep 07, 2012
I just realized.. I celebrated my 1 year anniversary for Featured Artist this past June! LOL WOW.. a year and they still haven't figured out that they might have made a mistake?? (rofl) I am still feeling honored at being asked to be an FA here at TSR.. THE BEST site on the web for custom content for the Sims 3. I'm still finding all kinds of things to... ...More
I will be gone... Written Sep 01, 2012
For a little while. :) I will be having a knee replacement surgery on Sept. 10.. I have to stay in the hospital for about a week, then will be home, but basically on bed rest for several more weeks. I do have a laptop and will ,, when feeling okay,, mesh another set or two! :) But, if I'm not uploading for a bit, perhaps a month or so,, please don't forget me! I... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
GlitterBabyincMay 13, 2021
When are you going to convert ts3 items to ts4?
Lulu265Oct 06, 2016
you know I would , always , thank you
Lulu265Jan 07, 2016
Thanks Mel , didn't think you would mind , miss you