The Hunter :|
I've been through with those dreams, I'm referring to those dreams I have also written here in my blog.. It has stopped hunting me but another hunter came.. Seems like the hunting will never stop.. and its hurting me too much you know..
But this new hunter is really weird though, its a number. Yes just simply a number but mean a lot to US..before, but today it mean a lot just to ME. The number represents me and my ex's anniversary.... our supposed to be anniversary is really approaching near and makes me uncomfortable and think of her a lot, its frustrating :(
Why I say the number is hunting me?? Because everytime I look at the time, the minutes slot exactly is our anniversary date, I mean it EVERYTIME I look at the time. Sometimes, even the hour slot represents the month of our anniversary and at the same time the minutes slot is exactly the date of our anniversary... Or maybe I am just paranoid? :(
Well, I do not know. All I am hoping for is to get rid of these feelings, of the painful flashbacks I had with her. But how can I? That it seems like everything is reminding me of her. I am too unlucky eh? Yes, I am. Man... I think its been already a year since we broke up and up until now I have not yet moved on totally. I know my situation really looks bad and maybe whoever reads this would say "Just move on! you deserve someone more better!" and other advices like that.. I'll tell you, I had tried my very best, the bestest to do that! ...but it seems not working on me even if I try more harder....... :(
I.. I just don't know what to do anymore... *sigh*