zaonzone's Blog
New Design
Hello everyone!
I've been Busy last years so I didn't post anything but now it's a new day and new creations are coming on!
New houses and somthing really new: A Youtube channel!
Coming up soon!
Creating a lot!
Hi there,
As you can see, news houses comming up!
Don't forget to answer on the poll for me to know what you would like me to create!
Have fun!
Upcoming stuff
Hi there,
Having a lot of things to do lately I didn't have time to play nore to create but I have some new small houses I'm working on so be patient I'll try to send them as soon as possible...
Have fun!!!
Latest news...
Hi there!
I haven't been creating those last days because I had some family problems but I promise, I'll try to make new things as soon as possible...
Hy there,
I've been having a lot of work those past days so Don't worry, new houses comming soon!!
Have fun!
New houses comming up!
Hi there...
Good news!
7 houses comming soon...
Have fun!
Hello again,
For my next uploads, I'll try to make some houses for familys...
As usual, I want to try and make expandable houses but for the moment I'll do some fully furnished homes...
Have fun!
First starters comming soon!
Hi again, In a few days three of the first houses will be online... Starting with a small house for gerdeners and cookers! Next you will have a house for those who want to increase painting and writting. The last one will be for fishing and music. Have fun.
Starter Houses
Hello everyone,
Ok new challenge for me and I hope a lot of fun for you...
I have in mind creating some starter houses but with a specific point: each house will be decorated and furnished for one or two skills. That means for example that if you have a sims that wants to increase gardenning and cooking, I'll have the perfect house for you...
Have fun and as always if you have requests, don't wait and ask!