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Created for: The Sims 4
I think by now everyone knows my love for Disney. The Little Mermaid is my favorite movie.. so, when the new Island Living pack came out I felt called to make some poses based on a scene in The Little Mermaid where Ariel sees his prince for the first time. :)
I hope you enjoy!
3 in game poses
The Sims 4 Pose
Custom Thumbnail
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1455958
ItemID: 1455958
Filesize: 56 KB
How to use these poses:
In the game, place 2 teleporters in the same spot (mermaid sim needs to go swimming first, so the tail appears and then use the teleporter.
alternatively, you can use a CC tail OR use a cheat to get the mermaid tail on land:
traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaid_MermaidForm ). Then click on your sim, then pose by pack and choose Little Mermaid Ariel Saves Eric Pose Pack.
How to use teleporter:
Buy the teleport statue and place it where you want your sim to teleport. The sim will appear in place of the statue.
- Pose player http://sims4studio.com/thread/2617
- Teleport any sim http://sims4studio.com/post/72734
- Wheelchair http://sims3s.ru/objects4-wheelchair.php
Full CC list used: katverse.com/2019/06/28/little-mermaid-ariel-saves-eric-pose-pack/
Credits: sims4studio
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