My Sim Friends: Melissa Crane - J'Adore!
Published Jun 26, 2013

This dress is so gorgeous, I just had to upload the full body shot! I want it in real life haha! Game Update: With her 20th novel published, Mel has finally fulfilled her lifetime goal of becoming a professional author, and she now earns 4,100 simoleons a week in royalties. Kaching! Her works are now on sale in the local consignment store and are worth zillions more than the others on the shelves. As her career soars, her love life has taken a nose dive sadly, and her romance with Leighton Sekemoto has come to an end. Turns out he got bored of waiting for Mel's sim to be exclusive with him and he's now in a relationship with some bitch called Erin... there will be blood.