Funnyaa's Blog
Hello folks! I finally managed to create for Sims 4 as well and today my first female Sims 4 simulation was released, which I'm really happy about.
Who knows what will come next ..
Why I hate New Years Eve
Its because I feel so sorry about all the poor animals which are suffering through terribly loud bangs from the New Year's Eve rockets and of course also for the people who are injured as a result - sometimes very seriously. I wish some people would be more sensible about this and think more about others.
The year 2024 has been very turbulent and I really miss some great people who are no longer here. Where ever they are now I hope they're happy.
May 2025 be good for everyone and filled with happiness, contentment and health. And I wish all artists awesome inspiration for their coming creations.
My first love
Sometimes I wonder why people say they love Sims 2 and hate Sims 3 or they love Sims 3 and hate Sims 4. Well, I think it's probably because of what game someone started with. And this could be the reason why someone loves sims 2 , 3 or 4 most. I'm addicted to Sims.
Often I hear that people particularly love Sims 2 and hate the other sims game. Maybe it's because it's harder to find new custom content and the game isn't really supported anymore. As is well known, you are more likely to hear criticism than praise.
I started with Sims 2 and played it without cheats. To be honest, I didn't even know such a thing existed back then. After that I discovered Sims 3 and then got stuck there. But I also play a little with Sims 4.
Each of these games has something great. In Sims 2, for example, I really liked that there were lots of games for the children and that toddlers learned to sing. I miss that in Sims 3. Buying clothes is also more realistic, poor Sims can't buy expensive clothes. In Sims 3 it doesn't matter how much money a Sims has. Anyone can figuratively afford a Prada dress, lol. But with Sims 3 there is the opportunity to travel and learn different skills. Also I love the unexpecting funny reactions from the sims In Sims 4 I think the EA plastic hair is just terrible and I don't really like the small towns either. But I like that the Sims have different gaits and that you can adjust their voice more individually.
Seen this way, every game has its charm and everyone can be happy with their favorite. Happy simming to all of you.
Love is like a boomerang. All the love and kindness we give comes back to us. Maybe not right away, but sometime later.
This can be observed especially in the interpersonal area. Even in the Sims game, the nice ones are happier and live longer.
But why am I actually writing this? Well, because we live in a world where some people seem to only think about themselves, regardless of loss. Open conversations are no longer as popular, neither in the family nor in friendships nor in the world of work.
So what can we do? Remembering that love is like a boomerang and being fair to each other. And let's free ourselves from the pressure of always wanting to be better and smarter than others, because every person has their strengths and talents. Teamwork is dream work.
So please always remember: love and kindness are like a boomerang. Happy simming and all the best for everyone.
67.000 Downloads in December 2020
I'd like to say each one of you thank you for downloading my sims 3 stuff. And I wish you a lot of fun with my creations. The most popular of my creations is Sim Alex and I am delighted I made him well because obviously a lot of you guys like him too. But even if only one person would have downloaded my creations, I had a lot of fun creating something for the Sims 3 because your fun is my joy. Happy simming and take care of yourselves! Sul, sul.