New lot - Palm tree holiday resort :)
Hi all,
I released a new lot the other day called "Palm tree holiday resort". I cannot believe the response I have had from downloaders. 254 downloads in less than 24 hours of it being on the site. I am so pleased! It is in my opinion the most realistic lot I have built yet. I certainly am getting much more familiar with Sim 3 now.
I haven't forgot about Sims 2 either. I have stacks of Sims 2 creations ready to upload to TSR. Wallpapers and floors will be availlable to download soon too.
If you are on facebook, add me. I am Simonetta Avossa Carvell. I am SimonettaC on the official exchange so add me on there too. If you like to chat drop me a line, I always love to chat :)
Bye for now
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