Pattern frenzy, for the month of March!
Hi all,
Since the very first release of the TSR workshop, I have acquired a taste for creating patterns. I have quite a number that have built up now. Many of these, I originally created in November 2009, when I was reccuperating after a operation I had at the time. You may have seen some of them, as I have used them in Lots and Sims that I have submitted to TSR. So, I have decided, before I turn my full attention to meshes and objects. I should really upload everything, I have previously created.
So for the rest of this month, I will be going through all my creations and submitting them all to TSR. Yay! for you!
There will be a mixture of themes/designs, from Halloween, Christmas, Easter, kids, floral etc.
All of these are TSRAA. So please feel free to upload any of them with your own lots, screenshots or stories. Any of my work can only be used on TSR, so please keep that in mind and respect my wishes.
Expect 2 to 4 to be added on a daily basis.
Enjoy! Simonetta.xx
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