My Secret theme is Ancient Rome!
Hi all,
I have decided to finally let the cat out out of the bag. My secret theme is Ancient Rome and not Steampunk as so many of you close to me thought it would be. I do like to tease you all...he he
I have decided to wait until after all this Pets/patch business is out of the way, so I am holding it back a little while longer.
Here is a sneaky peep, so you can see what me and my husband have been working on. (The Vase, Window, Toilet, Fence and clock were created by just me). The shelf was created with the help of my husband. He basically went through creating it with me, step by step. I could not have created this on my own as it was much more complicated than what I am used to doing. He can knock a mesh together in 5 mins, but me...well that's another story. Plenty of tears need to be shed for me to But I am learning! :)