
339Creations 1,481,502Downloads

SimonettaC's Blog

Creations Update

Hi all,

The large Circus lot I have been building has had to be delayed. I tried to start up Bodyshop, something went wrong and I lost all my current in Game creations. Thankfully I had everything backed up except the actual building of the Circus lot which was lost. The 24 wallpapers were all backed up on my external hard drive so thank goodness I haven't got to start from scratch. I hope to release that in about 2 weeks. (Sorry this is a very big project, so lots of time needed to finish this set).

I have just created a starter house which will be hopefully released soon. It's part of a set of starter homes that I am in the middle of creating. I have called the set "Back to basics". Great for the new gamer or just anyone who wants to get into playing without a big lot slowing down your PC's.

I have also just about finished a lot which is called "St Patrick's Plaza". A corner lot with an fully furnished Irish themed pub/Restaurant and 3 other shops that will be decorated but left empty for you to furnish yourself. I have made about 15 St Patrick day wallpapers so they will be released as a seperate wallpaper set too. I have tried to do a parade outside the lots, but it hasn't turned out as good as I hoped, will release the snapshots before I release it,l so let me know what you all think.

I forgot all about Pancake day which is tommorow, but I may still create something with that theme and release it anyway.

Bye for now



My Lots, walls etc.

Hi everyone, I seem to have got in the swing of starting to submit some stuff for you all. I haven't quite got my head around what requirements I have to recommend for you to be able to use my stuff.

I have every Expansion and add on for The Sims 2, so I am not sure if I am supposed to recommend that you need everything like me, to be able to use my stuff. I think all my wallpapers should be ok with just the base Game? Can some of you let me know when you download something of mine, how you have got on?

I am working my way reading through Tutorials, so i can be a more confident submitter. Hopefully I will know what i'm doing soon. ha ha...

I love to build crazy and unusual stuff, so expect more crazyness to come! (My hubby doesn't share my love of The Sims and can't understand why I get so excited about stuff I submit). Well It takes a fan to know a fan, I think that makes sense!

Bye for now



New forthcoming Lots

Hi All,

I have just finished making "Honeymoon Hotel". It's a Hotel based on a Wedding Cake. It has 4 tiers and is all white, to look like icing. I have uploaded it to submissions and it will be released on the 8th. I have uploaded some screenshots so you can take a peek.

The walls are custom made by me, and additional thanks go to Shakeshaft for the white flowers on the tiers, and Sim_man123 for the Lilly Planter that is in the Restaurant.

I have tried to be user friendly and most items are basic Maxis stuff. This is for the benefit of probably the very younger users on here, like my neice who is (Chihuahualuver) on TSR.

The lot will probably play with The base game plus Uni and BonVoyage, but I'm new on this submitting lark so I have just ticked everything I have to be safe. I need to read up on the Tutorials a bit more that are on here, so I can be a more confident submitter! Ha ha....

I am also in the middle of making another Hotel, this time for Valentines. It's called "Heartbreak Hotel". Expect that in time for the 14th, wouldn't want your Sims to miss out!

Final note, I am also currently working a Circus lot, I have made 25 walls so far and 5 posters, plus the Lot itself is half built. I'm pretty excited about this lot, can't wait to submit it.

Happy Simming and Building to you all.

Sim.  xxxx


Yard and Garden Competition

Hi all,

I was totally blown away by coming second. So many people did some very beautiful shots, I don't envy the judges, it must have been really hard to decide.

Francien really did deserve to win, her screens were amazing!

I really did have a great time entering, and it was nice to get to know new people on here.

Thank you so much to all those people who took the time to leave some very kind comments on my screens.

You really did spur me on to continue to submit more!


Posted by SteveB on Jan 31, 2009. Screenshot Competition Results

The results for our recent Yard & Garden Screenshot Competition are now in! The winners have been selected by our moderators and site staff who had a really tough job on their hands with more than 400 entries submitted! Thanks to everyone who took part for helping us to populate the Yard & Garden theme Screenshots database!

Winners and prizes are as follows:

1st Prize: Beautiful Decay by francien (who submitted many potentially wining entries)

  • A Pre-Order of 'The Sims 3'
  • Apartment Life Shoulder Bag
  • Sims 3 T-Shirt (Large)
  • Signed Natasha Bedingfield album 'Pocketful of Sunshine' (Sung in Simlish on FreeTime EP)
  • TSR Coffee Mug
  • TSR 2 GB USB 2.0 Memory Stick
  • URBZ 'Sims in the City' Baseball Cap
2nd Prize: Fairy Cove by simonettaC
  • Sims 3 'H2goSS' Stainless Steel Drinks Bottle
  • Signed Natasha Bedingfield album 'Pocketful of Sunshine' (Sung in Simlish on FreeTime EP)
  • TSR Coffee Mug
  • TSR 2 GB USB 2.0 Memory Stick
  • URBZ 'Sims in the City' Baseball Cap

3rd Prize: Y&G Competition Entry No. 2 by sakravy

  • Sims 2 Plumbob Phone Strap
  • Signed Natasha Bedingfield album 'Pocketful of Sunshine' (Sung in Simlish on FreeTime EP)
  • TSR Coffee Mug
  • URBZ 'Sims in the City' Baseball Cap

4th Prize: The Winter Garden by giasims

  • 2 Month Subscription to The Sims Resource

5th Prize: Garden-5 by simal10

  • 1 Month Subscription to The Sims Resource

Congratulations to our winners! Another screenshot competition will be starting soon with some more great prizes to be won! 


Screenshot Credits

Hi All,

I promised I would get back to you with info of the stuff you have seen in my current Screenshots for the Yard/Garden Theme.

Credits as follows:- 

Regal Garden

Hair - Nomadic hair created by SussisSoGoodSims. Mod the Sims 2.

Dress/Cape - created by Josephthesim2k5. Mod the Sims 2.

Recolours/Textures of the dress/cape by Sussifriberg. Mod the Sims 2.

Underwater Garden

Largest waterfall/rocks created by Marvine. Mod the Sims 2.

X3 smaller waterfalls/selection of flowers created by Maccarossi. Mod the Sims 2.

Glamour Garden

1936 Opel Kadett car created by Fresh prince. Mod the Sims 2.

Many Roses created by Sim Veggie. Mod the Sims 2.

Arched Hedges created by Crocobaura. Mod the Sims 2.

Everything else that was non Maxis was from this site, I basically downloaded just about everything in the Yard and Garden Theme database!

If there is anything specific you like just Pm me and I will let you know where it came from.

Bye for now






Due to the current Competition running on TSR, I have been busy downloading more stuff off here and other sites. I have been building up my Garden/plants base and I will be taking some more shots soon. As i upload my screenshots, I want to make it clear that nearly 99% of the ingame objects that you will see (other than the Maxis stuff) has not been created by me.

It has been downloaded from many very talented creators on this site and a few others. If there is anything you like and would like to know where i got it from, just PM me and I will let you know who created it and what site it was from so you can download it to use in your game. I catalogue all my downloads with pictures, so I know what every file is and where it is from.

Most of the stuff is from TSR as it is my favourite site and the one I support constantly. I have other sites I like, they are Mod the Sims 2, Around the Sims - I absolutely love Sandy - she is a doll, Sapphire Sims and Exnems. They are all very friendly sites.

I feel very strongly about creators recieving proper credit for what they have created. Afterall it takes time and we all do benefit so much by using it all in our games.

Bye for now


The Sims 3! Whooooooo!

I am so excited at the prospect of The upcoming Sims 3! Wow, I remember playing on Sims 1 LOL! Anyway, over Christmas I was chatting away to fellow Simmers in the Sims 3 Forums about what kind of Idea's would be great for the new expansion packs.

This is based on what I wrote.......

"I would love to see an expansion like a Zoo". Whenever I get my neices to stay over they are always talking about animals and days out. I loved all that kind of stuff when i was a kid, still do! It would be nice to be able to choose from a small selection of animals and build your own zoo to visit in one of the neighborhoods. (Some animals from the game "SimAnimals" would be good!) You could call it "Sims gone wild". You could have your photo taken, build different cages and even have a Buggy type car that you could drive through certain Animal Exibits for a closer look. There could be an Educational Centre and a look out Tower!

A Theme park would be great too. Hotdog/popcorn stands, Fair rides, and clowns etc. I have been into The Sims since The Sims 1 and I played constantly in Magic town. The Magician was great, you could preform a few tricks etc. The roller coaster was another good feature. You could select different shaped tracks, which I really enjoyed building. Apparently It was the best selling expansion pack for Sims 1, so obviously there is a market for that theme. One of the funniest features was having a black hole in your garden that you could just pop off into, to get to Magic town.

A Space/Science Fiction type one would be good too. We could have a neighborhood that was a galaxy with a planet you could visit, instead of actually being on the earth. On the load up screen you could have a picture of a rocket or spaceship. The Npc's could be Aliens. You could call it "Sims out of this world". I personally would love it, as I was a big fan of Star Wars.

Also what about a Superhero one? Could you imagine what children they would have? Mix spiderman type powers with the Hulk etc. Your Sims could be like Clarke Kent in Smallville, having to deal with all the villians in the Neighborhood.

Hows about Dreams. The expansion could be called "Fantasy Sims"? You could go to a dream realm where there is pixies, goblins and fairies. It could be like a Lord of the Rings type place that you can only access via entering "Dream Mode". There could be different options for kids like a Fairy tale theme. Medieval for male adults with knights and horses. Faires and Nymphs for Female adults. Elders could turn into water babies LOL!

What do you all think?

Polls on my page

I have just spent some Kudos on the Poll feature. I have a Poll on my page now. This is a feature I have wanted for some time. I hope when you vist my page, that you can spare a moment to just check out my Polls and take a vote. It's always good to hear what others think on here. I am constantly having Ideas for creations and would love some input on what people want. I have just got Photoshop CS for meshing, I do have the Latest Maya too. A very talented Creator, i came across, works with the photoshop CS, so he has Inspried me to have a go with that. I am thinking that maybe I can try out stuff like cereal boxes for all our Simmy Shops as it's very basic. I think that would be an easy choice for my first mesh. We will see how it goes!


Hi All,

I entered my first Competition on another site last week. (Sim Enems). You had to create a banner for the site. Either 1 for the whole year, or 1 banner for each calender month. I had so much fun playing around on Photoshop that it gave me enough confidence to enter the current TSR Competition. "Yard and Gardens Theme".

I have been busy setting up gardens and taking photos in the game. I have uploaded 3 or 4 so far. I see that there is some really lovely submissions. Looks like people have been working hard and having fun too. There is some great prizes up for grabs! Good Luck to all who are entering. xx

Wow! I have a voice!

Well hello all,

I do so love the new look of the site. I have wanted a Minisite for so long, and this new style page is so much like one. I really need to get my act together and start uploading my creations for you all to share. I have always been busy building since The Sims 1. Then out came The Sims 2 and i'm busy building again. I have so much saved to disks, yetI have never uploaded anything to anywhere, I always mean to, but something always seems to crop up.

I'm the one in my family who is the mommy type. I am usually looking after someone in the family, running errands or minding neices and nephews. (I don't have any kids). At the moment though, I have more time on my hands, so I am hoping to upload some stuff for you all soon.

Bye for now.


Victorian Lady Shouting on Beach Art Print

Latest Headlines

Creations Update My Lots, walls etc. New forthcoming Lots Yard and Garden Competition Screenshot Credits Screenshots The Sims 3! Whooooooo! Polls on my page Competitions Wow! I have a voice!
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