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SimonettaC's Guestbook

DOTDec 10, 2011

~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~

murfeelNov 9, 2011

Hi! You really floored me when you asked about that border I'm always using on my screenies! \:P I download photoshop brushes usually from bulk download websites I find on google (my faves are 123 and brusheezy or whatever they're called \:P ) and rarely pay attention to the actual origin of where I get this stuff. \:P But I am more familiar with certain sites like Deviantart nowadays, and though I know I didn't get it from there directly in order to know for sure, I think that brush came from this set here: It doesn't SHOW the brush on that page in the preview picture, but I recognize a lot of the ones that are, from the order they all appear as thumbnails in my Photoshop brushes section, so I am pretty sure that must be where the brush originally came from. \;\)

spacesimsOct 17, 2011

Hi Sim! I don't know how to thank you for those extremely beautiful comments on my Torsby dining room! \:wub\: \:o I am very happy you like it! And you are very welcome, and I will help you anytime! I as well can't wait to see what sets you have created for us! I am sure it will be amazing! \:rah\: May you have an amazing, lovely week! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

FlovvOct 14, 2011

Thank you so much again! \:wub\:\:wub\:\:\) Hope you have a great time and have fun meshing, etc! \:\)\:wub\: Have a very lovely weekend! \:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

LilyOfTheValleyOct 10, 2011

Thank you for commenting on my Happy Halloween Buffet. \:wub\:

FlovvOct 2, 2011

Thank you very much for your lovely comment! \:wub\:\:wub\: Have a wonderful week, and see you! \;\)

murfeelSep 29, 2011

Thanks for all the messages! \:rah\: I am uber-excited--take your time, take your time, so that when you're done everything just hits us like WOW!!!! \:eek\: \:wub\: Thanks for the links! I went to your My Studio to look for the patterns you spoke of, but no Patterns were there? \:confused\: Be careful--I know EA deletes things from the Studio--my avatar sim was just GONE one day and I don't know why, but I never uploaded anything to the Exchange ever again. \:mad\: And that was the LAST copy of her I had left; she was my very first Sim \:\(

spacesimsSep 27, 2011

Heey. I miss you too!! Have a great week!! \:wub\: *HUGS* xxxxxxx

murfeelSep 26, 2011

\:eek\: NO WAAYYYYY!! Aw crap, you found out about my Steampunk series too soon--I actually had a little surprise in store that I was going to dedicate to YOU, as a matter of fact. \:wub\: You were my direct inspiration for deciding to skip several other projects I had planned and do the Steampunk series first, because every time I visit your minipage for patterns I get this deep knot of annoyance in my stomach that we don't have anything for TS3 that even remotely holds a candle to the feel of your bueautiful page and avatar. \:wub\: So I was going to create a Lord and Lady Tesla, and Lady Simonetta Tesla was going to look like your Avatar with the hair, eyes and hat! LOL \:D And there's a vintage style townhouse for them to live in--that was all going to be uploaded in November (October is Halloween month so I have 2 lots & stuff I'm uploading for Halloween that are more creepy), along with a Film Noir/Louisiana style lot I have planned. \:D DOY!!! \:P Thanks so much for liking Cogs and Gears!!! \:rah\: When it's available for download I hope people are pleased with them in-game! ^-^

murfeelAug 31, 2011

Hi! Sorry if this is a bother, but I'm dreadfully curious (and desperate \:D ) to know where you got the chairs in some of your preview pictures, like Bats n Stars and Ghosts in Moonlight \:o I can't seem to find it in TSR's Dining or Living Chairs sections, or the Store. \:\( Can you help me, please; I'd really appreciate it? \:\)

KaelaFrostAug 15, 2011

Thanks! I got the gift from the lottery as soon as I got up!

PilarAug 12, 2011

thank you very much for commenting on my creations , I wish you a nice day  \:wub\:

DOTJul 31, 2011

Hi hi \:\) Thank you very much for your feedback on the Princess and Pea Set I tried to make, I appreciated it \:\)

hatshepsutJul 27, 2011

Thank you for the lovely comment on my Smalltown Community set, I hope your sims enjoy visiting them! \:D

LilyOfTheValleyJul 24, 2011

Hello! Thanks so much for your nice comment on my little treasures. \:wub\: I;m very happy you love them and hope you will enjoy these cute little things. \:D Have a nice weekend!

casmarJul 11, 2011

Simonetta sorry, sorry to bother you but I'm winning a lottery? I saw it on Facebook, well thank you very much!  \:\) And do I have to do?  \:\(

cashcraftJul 1, 2011

Hi, thanks for your wonderful comments on the Classic Beauty Pack set--you're always so supportive and kind and I really appreciate your feedback! Take Care and Hugs, Carolyn \:\)

sic0pataJun 26, 2011

no problem! yeah Joey's very sexy and talented *drolls* lol It's nice to know that there's another maggot who loves the sims and Joey like me! :3 I added you on facebook so we can talk (if you want) \:\)

mutskeJun 25, 2011

Hi, Thank you for your nice comment on my Pearl's Pinched Drapes Add-on... Have a nice weekend  \:wub\:  

LilyOfTheValleyJun 17, 2011

Hi \:\) Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on my kids inflatable sprinklers. \:wub\: I am very happy you like these toys and hope your sims will have fun with them! \:D

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