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SteveB's Guestbook

Ame-CApr 18, 2008

Hi Steve, first of all thanks for the GREAT site, we are having lots of fun with it. I especially enjoy meeting people from other countries. I would like to ask a question though, my 14 year old daughter just joined and is eager to meet other teenagers, is it possible to built a feature into the site for teenagers to meet others and chat??? If there is something already available sorry for the inconvenience, but please let me know?? I have also noticed some people ranting, don't worry about it, its your site and it is because the quality is high, or is the standards are high, that it is so successful. Thanks for the hard work you are truly blessed!! Take care. A. \:rah\:

love2decorateApr 13, 2008

Hello Steve, sorry about having to post in here, but I could not find how else to reach you \:wacko\: ! Many are starting to get upset about some of the wording for the survey you made. You might want to check it out before it gets too out of hand. \;\)

christina_w_023@yahoo.comApr 8, 2008

Hi Steve\:\) I have a question about posting my screenshots. I do everything correctly but my pics don't show up on TSR's website. The pic title and description comes through ok, but no picture \:\(. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong!!! Please let me know!! Thanks, Christina \:cool\:

hiedibear75Apr 2, 2008

Can any member submit an idea for a challenge, and how do we do it? \:confused\: I thought I'd post it here because maybe others may have the same question.\:confused\: I was wondering also about the wizard......I've had terrible luck getting it to read my sims' memories properly.\:mad\: Any suggestions? \:cool\: Thanks. \:rah\:

p4me2Mar 31, 2008

Re Sims1: Hi, I was experimenting with head-skins and wondered how I could change the sexual identity of female head into wearing male clothes and vice versa. So far I haven't been able to do so and suspect there is some hidden code within the game which prohibits gender-transitioning to take place. I think this could be a cool spin and would result in a great deal of fun for us but I just can't crack it and don't know where to look to find the information I need. Thanks in advance and I hope you can point me in the right direction. Ed (P4ME2)

tiny tams simsMar 29, 2008

ok sorry to post this in your guest book , which i hope you do at least read,, but i was told to get ahold of you about challenges,and since you dont accept private pm's im hoping you get this. ive got a few ideas for challenges but id like to know what can and cant be done,submitting challenges, everything, do you have a guideline for challeng submissions? i know im supposed to put in alot of details but thats kinda of hard to do when i dont know what i should and shouldnt be doing. Also i dont have Free Time yet so my challenges wouldnt have that EP until i get it. thank you for your time tiny tams sims

Little SeerMar 19, 2008

Just stopping by to say hi and I \:wub\: your site. Cheers, \:\)

panda_bears1Mar 4, 2008

Wow, just read a few of these comments here and rolls eyes with annoyance! Some people are very rude, i.e. Why haven't you posted my stuff yet!\:\( \:\( \:\( What's it like dealing with babies all day?\:D Anyway, I just popped in to tell you that you are handsome, if that is you in your avitar and not some imposter. I've been registered since 03 and never saw it before, so I thought I would tell you that. Have a wonderful day! Emily.\:wub\:

ValgridaMar 3, 2008

Hi, I am wondering why I have not received any Newsletters in 2008!? The last one I got in December 2007. Tiina \:o

wolfiegirl2002ukFeb 21, 2008

hi sorry to bug you but im not sure where to ask this question lol i have enough kudos to go on a spending spree \:D i just want to know if it takes effect when i access it or have to wait? thank kay

jelly-beaniesFeb 3, 2008

thanks so much for this site its the best sims 2 site for downloading stuff ive ever been on, keep up the great work \:D

Claudia35Jan 30, 2008

hi. I sent a stroy two days ago and it's not posted yet. And you sent me no email. So I just wanna ask why you don't post my story, I mean "Helena". That's all. Plz give me an answer soon. Oh and this is a great site\:D

RomaynejcJan 20, 2008


PS4EJan 13, 2008

Thank you for crating this amazing site!!!!\:wub\: \:wub\: \;\)

poland123Jan 11, 2008

hi i've downloaded skins before on other websites, but only some of them work (others turn up invisible on the game), and all of the heads turn up invisible. why why and how? please help! \:\) p.s. if you don't download the mesh, does it not work at all, and is that the problem? only i think i did... anyway, TSR stuff might work properly instead \:D

MVilaJan 10, 2008

I`m wondering... why do you have downloads in the FREE area on TSR when they in fact are NOT free? there are numorous items that are marked "Mesh is subcriber only" or something to that effect. Therefore that means this item is NOT free because without the MESH it wil not work! Do you not think this shoud be corrected?

bittymittenzJan 10, 2008

Hi Steve! Thank you for setting up such an awesome website \;\)

simtomaticDec 24, 2007

Have a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year! Sally \:\)

SaozDec 24, 2007

Thanks, Steve. Wishing you and yours a very happy holiday season and a happy new year. \:\)

MuranoDec 23, 2007

Steve, a very Merry Christmas to you and a happy New Year! Best regards, Cedric

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