Have you ever noticed that sim houses are...well, perfect? They never have holes in their drywall, they never have cracked stucco...perfect!
Now, one can certainly change that - there are lots of wallpapers one can download to fix this, for example, MsBarrows' lovely crumbled plaster and shoddy brick sets. http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/MsBarrows/downloads/sims2/walls/
However, that requires having a different wallpaper for each color of trashed texture, etc. That's a lot of wallpaper!
This is where I come in. I needed a hole in a wall for a story I'm doing...do you think I could find what I wanted? Of course not! I went kvetching about this to the download finding queen, MsBarrows, and she suggested that I make one, perhaps using linegud's lovely Stencillissimo mesh. So I did.
Sorry 'bout the headache, Buzz, it's for a good cause!
And then I, being unable to do anything halfway, went a little nuts with it, looking for pictures of holes. And the Well-Beaten Walls set came out of it. They are two-tile paintings that can be placed on any wall to trash it up! The various holes look better on some textures than others - the ones on the top part of the picture below are really meant to go on exterior walls, while the bottom ones are meant to go on interior, but hey, if you download them, go wild. Trash up the place!