This item has 29 required items.
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required items tab on this detail page to download
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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Name: Cassidy Queen
Age: Young Adult
Traits: Glutton,Bookworm,Jealous
Aspiration: Friend of the World
~ Go to the tab Required to download the CC needed.
~ You have to download everything so that the sim will look like in the pictures.
*If you have suggestions, opinions, tips and anything else please write them in the comments*
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1558246
ItemID: 1558246
Filesize: 111 KB
No sliders have been used. I only have the base game.
Credits: All of the cc and pose creators!
- Custom content: CC used
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- [Kijiko]eyelash_version2
- Eyeshadow N11
- Nosemask N2
- Lipgloss | N1
- Eyebrows N86
- Set-Fullbody C493
- Leather Dress BD318
- Buckle Dress BD528
- Clothes SET-142 (SHORT) BD505
- Clothes SET-142 (TOP) BD504
- Puppy T-shirt Dress BD529
- Rainbows Swimsuit BD522
- Tattoo-Fox n2
- Tattoo-Random Flowers n3
- Arltos Clothing 20210803
- Belaloallure_Erika jacket (patreon)
- Camuflaje - Kayla Set (Jeans)
- Evermore Boots / Christopher067
- LMCS Eyes N39 (HQ)
- Madlen Furaha Shoes
- Skintone Set V3
- Residue Lipstick
- Female Skin 20 - Overlay
- S-Club ts4 LL Necklace 202108
- Eyeliner N121
- stone choker
- Super Star Sneakers
- Sparkling Lights Face Highlighter
- WINGS-TO0304