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Created for: The Sims 4
This is a Set with 4 Creations - Click here to show all
The society of aliens indigenous to the moon Sixam 3 is very different from that of the main world Sixam.
While the inhabitants of the main world are interested in normal alien things, such as science, Sim abductions, and the planning of total domination of the Sim universe, the inhabitants of Sixam 3 live a peaceful, idyllic life in harmony with the rich plant life of their moon.
The inhabitants of the moon are not interested in politics or power. They dedicate their lives to beauty and romance. They are gifted painters, musicians, singers, dancers and philosophers who try their hand at physical exercise every day.
So it is not surprising that the Sixamsutra, a poetic book of 77 books, famous throughout the galaxy and dedicated entirely to the arts of love, poetry and philosophy, was written on Sixam 3.
It is rare for an inhabitant of the moon to leave his home world. But sometimes boy Sixam 3 aliens become curious about things outside their moon.
When they travel, they wear, for their own protection, a modified model of the biomechanical full body suits known on the Sixam main world, which do not restrict their freedom of movement.
Excerpt from the research entries of Dr. [REDACTED] on the [REDACTED], entry 9
These full body suits are most likely to be bio-mechanical technology that originated with [REDACTED]. It's no surprise they were found near [REDACTED]. They are similar to the [REDACTED] of the [REDACTED] our agents were able to track down. Despite their severe damage, the suits are still fantastic and worthy of closer study. They seem to adapt to the body measurements of the wearer and regenerate superficial damage independently as if they were living tissue.
personal note: Why do we have to redact everything? Outside our crater base nobody will get to read the research reports anyway. I bet the military is just doing this to harass us scientists!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1486630
ItemID: 1486630
Filesize: 4 MB
**Get to Work Addon Required**
This is a recolor of the Alien Bodysuits from the Get to Work Addon.
Give some Love to the Alien Sims.
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio

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