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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
A trait for your Sims to make life just a little bit more of a challenge. Especially challenging for kids and teens, this AD(H)D trait interferes with your everyday schoolwork. The trait does NOT replace any other trait.
- Never focused
- Needs less sleep (10%) but tired more easily (10%)
- Fun both in- and decreases faster at 25%
- New relationships are easier to gain, but slightly harder to maintain (5%)
- Child Mental skill increases 10% slower
- Child Creativity skill increases 10% faster
- Child Motor skill increases 10% faster
- Grade School progression increases 50% slower
- High School progression increases 25% slower
- Teen job progression increases 10% slower
- Creative skills increase 10% faster
- Mischief skill increases 25% faster
- Wellness skill increases 20% slower
- Programming skill increases 15% faster
- Gaming skill increases 30% faster
- Fitness skill increases 10% faster
- Secret Agent career progression increases 10% slower
- Scientist career progression increases 25% faster
- Painter career progression increases 25% faster
- Entertainer career progression increases 25% faster
- Detective career progression increases 10% faster
- Tech Guru career progression increases 35% faster
Don't forget to check the Creator Notes for more info.
If you have any issues with this mod, please do let me know.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1329275
ItemID: 1329275
Revision: 3
Filesize: 8 KB
Tested with all DLC released before game version shown in patch notes below.
Patch notes v1.2
Date: 17 mar 2023
- Changed spelling to match American English
- Added Dutch translations
- Fixed compatibility issues
- Updated to game version 1.96.365.1030
Patch notes v1.1
Date: 8 feb 2016
- Detective progression fixed
- Updated to game version
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.