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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is a stunning star-shaped diamond-studded chain link necklace.
8 Metal Tones with Multicolored Diamonds + White Diamonds
New Mesh by Me
Custom Thumbnail
HQ Mod Compatible
Does NOT have Morphs
+ + This item has 8 extra swatches that are made to work with the Color Slider Mod by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii. If you have the mod installed you can use the sliders to change the color of the diamonds!! If you do not have the mod then enjoy the extra swatches! + +
---- All CC used in the preview is credited in the Creator Notes section! ----
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1696940
ItemID: 1696940
Revision: 2
Filesize: 5 MB
Hair - Nightcrawler Fragile Hair (Patreon)
Earrings: Christopher067 Arcane Earrings (TSR)
Clothing - Simliciaty Elsie Dress (CurseForge)
Poses by HelgaTisha (TSR + Tumblr)
Skin - SClub Nature Soft Women Overlay Skintones (TSR) and NorthernSiberiaWinds Soft Rose Skinblend A Full Body (Cartoon Style Genetics Set Part II)
Eyes - Pralinesims Oasis Eyes N155 NON DEFAULT (TSR)
Eyelashes -MMSIMS Eyelash V8 (Patreon)
Eyebrows - Alf-si Eyebrows 35 Ginger HQ (Tumblr)
Eyeshadow - Cosimetic Eyeshadow N137 (TSR)
Eyeliner - Alf-si Fox - Eyeliner 05 B HQ (TSR)
Blush - Nightcrawler Blush 01 (TSR)
Lipstick - RemusSirion Domain Lipstick - Unisex (TSR)
ReShade Preset - Simancholy Lunar ReShade (Slightly Edited by Me) (Tumblr)
Credits: Programs used to make this: GIMP 2.10.34 (for editing textures) Blender 2.79 (for meshing + baking textures) Sims 4 Studio (Star)
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