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Created for: The Sims 4
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Bear Brenny is quite a little busy man. He loves to read and be read to. He likes to make a mess too but with fluttering his long black eyelashes he gets away with everything. His room is all ready to be turned into a cool teen room later on, but right now it is a cute toddler room.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1522250
ItemID: 1522250
Revision: 2
Filesize: 58 KB
The room is designed for the Bearwood Family lot (which you can also get here on TSR). If you do place the room in the Bearwood lot, please check for any double windows and/or doors.
I own all of the Stuff, Game and Expansion Packs that are currently available on Origin (20 January 2021)
For this room you will need: Eco Lifestyle, Seasons, Island Living, StrangerVille, and Tiny Living stuff.
I used the cheats bb.moveobjects, bb.showhiddenobjects and debug. Please use at least the bb.moveobjects before placing the lot. Also, it might be wise to use freerealestate on too.
Credits: All artists here at TSR whose objects I use with gratitude. You are a MAJOR inspiration!
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