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Created for: The Sims 4
It's a house built half underground, from earth materials, full of plants to compensate the desertic world that's in. It's fully furnished, with an open space bedroom with a little bit of privacy and a bunk bed in the storage room if you have some friends coming over and they don't mind sleeping in a bit of a crowded room.
It was built in Spring Oasis by buldozing Zest lot (Slipshod Mesquite lot)
Lot size: 40x30
Please read the creator notes!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1640592
ItemID: 1640592
Filesize: 134 KB
I have installed packs:
Get To Work
Get Together
City Living
Cats and Dogs
Get Famous
Island Living
Discover University
Eco Lifestyle
Snowy Escape
Cottage Living
High School Years
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Dine Out
Jungle Adventure
Realm of Magic
Dream Home Decorator
Journey To Batuu
My Wedding Stories
Luxury Party
Perfect Patio
Cool Kitchen
Movie Hangout
Romantic Garden
Kids Room
Vintage Glamour
Bowling Night
Laundry Day
Tiny Living
Nifty Knitting
Paranormal Stuff
My First Pet
Courtyard Oasis
Throwback Fit
Country Kitchen
Industrial Loft
Fashion Street
Bust the Dust
Incheon Arrivals
Modern Menswear
Blooming Rooms
Carnaval Streetwear
Decor to the Max
Moonlight Chic
Little Campers
First Fits Kit
Desert Luxe
Everyday Clutter
Pastel Pop Kit
Simtimates Collection
Bathroom Clutter
Holiday Celebration
Grim's Ghoulish Guitar
Cheats I've used:
-> bb.moveobjects
-> bb.showhiddenobjects
-> bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement
-> bb.showliveeditobjects
Please do not re-upload or claim as your own.
Credits: TSR
- Value: 73938
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 1
- Stories: 1
- Lot Size: 40x30
- Custom content: No CC used
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.