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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation belongs to a Set - Click here to show the whole Set
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A bit of a departure from my normal uploads, this is a set full of country-manor charm. Large, wide wooden frames with industrial metallic frames and legs. Perfect for those farming country cottages.
Leather, Aztec print, Leopard print... this pouffe was made with various tastebuds in mind. The comfort level and extreme softness make it a must for every Sim home.
Category Comfort-Living Chair
Price - 125
New mesh with 6 swatches
Made for The Sims 4 by padre
Recolour Friendly
Find me on Instagram for regular updates padre_tsr
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1506859
ItemID: 1506859
Filesize: 3 MB
Base game compatible. Feel free to recolour anything of mine. Drop me a line if you would like the shaders. Clone if you need to. But please don't share these meshes. Please supply a link back here for them. Cheers.
Credits: Textures.com
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes
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