Angelistra (1139503)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (39 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Ezekiel Master Bedroom
Published Nov 14, 2013
About Me
Hola all you simmers!
I'm 27, from Denmark, have a husband and a son
I started creating items in sep 2013 with sim_man123 as my mentor!
I'm a member of TSRAA so you can use any of my creations in lots you upload to TSR.
You don't have to credit me, but that would be nice and extremely appreciated seing as I'm a new artist!
If you want to take something that I've made and use it for a base for something of your own creation, you don't need to ask permission - however I do expect credit.
If you want to modify something I've made for personal use, then you are more than welcome to hack it to bits and do with it whatever you want.
My Latest Updates Show All
New set "Twintastical" on the way!Written Aug 28, 2014
After a break from creating I'm back and ready to release this, if I do say so myself - adorable coral reef inspired TWIN set! ...More
Simspiration is baaack!Written Dec 28, 2013
How awesome is this? :P ...More
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all!Written Dec 25, 2013
Hey guys! Just wanted to wish each and every one of you a merry christmas and a happy new year! I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends and families and that the comming year will bring you exciting new possibilities, happiness and love <3 I've had a little break from creating and I'm currently working on a twin nursery set - but *sigh* this set is really testing my... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Whatever0623Nov 08, 2014
You're welcome, it is GENIUS!! (twinset)
ShinoKCRSep 03, 2014
Thank you for your sweet comment on my French Quarter Livingroom! Huggles Renate
TugmeLAug 22, 2014
Hi Angelistra, I'm sorry for the late reply! I'm so sorry Thank you so much! You made me really happy with your comment..I hope that you will enjoy it in your game..