Arezoo (2998247)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (32 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Shrink's Office
Published Nov 1, 2013
About Me
It is all about houses.
I can not help myself, looking at interesting architecture, I find myself always trying to picture the interior, making up a possible floor plan, remodeling, designing... uh... Every couple of month I rearrange furniture in my own house, color walls, doors and windows. Fortunately my soon-to-be-husband only smiles while searching this white small cupboard that once hosted his keys and is now turned into a spice reck...
You already know what I wanted to say: I love to built for the Sims and I hardly ever play with them, although I do have a Sims friend. Her name is Sim Tester and lucky for me she is easy to impress. She patiently tests my houses, uses the objects I tell her to and whenever she complains, I know there is something seriously wrong in my house!
When I do not build, I like to crochet, travel a lot and try to make the wasteland around my house look like a garden.
Please, do not reupload my lots anywhere and do not claim them as your own! Thanks!
My Latest Updates Show All
unable to buildWritten Oct 28, 2013
right now I am unable to build. Unfortunatly I broke two fingers, had to undergo surgery and still can not move my fingers/hand. Really I would love to build but due to a huge cast I have to wear, even posting here one-handed is not fun. But, folks, I will be back! Thanks for all your nice and lovely comments. I really can not go back right now! Typing is really difficult. So... ...More
Obsession....Written Sep 10, 2013
Right now I'm quite obsessed with lighthouses. You will see... I try to create them as realistic as I can (and EA lets me....). Therefore I use the fog emitter excessivly.... so if you download one of my lighthouses and fog, crashing waves, seagulls or whatever annoy you while playing, just sell the fogemitter in the buydebug-mode or delete it. Some of my lighthouses will have a beam... ...More
Thank you all for your nice comments!Written Sep 06, 2013
What a warm and nice welcome! I really appreciate all the downloads and I will try to keep up delivering interesting and enjoyable lots. I wish you all a wonderful weekend! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jconner59Dec 28, 2013
Hoping your hand has begun to heal and you are well. Sure miss seeing you on here. Hope your Christmas was nice too
RirannDec 24, 2013
❉❉❉ Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family! ❉❉❉
Ray_SimsDec 23, 2013
Happy Holidays!
Wishing you an abundance of friends, happiness, and very best for the new year! and thank you for wonderful feedback and creations for this year