BILLABONG_ (2713075)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (45 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Black Eyed
Published Oct 6, 2009
About Me
| Yey, I´m back |
I don´t know if I find the time to work on my new projects every week cause I´m still busy with my study, but I´ll try and update my site
more often I did in the past!
I love creating things for my Sims, favor Celebrity and real existing Sims.
In Sims 3 I like to do something more in recoloring Clothes or making makeup.
I´m still learning, but it makes a lot of fun to get new experience, creating in S3!
Hope you like my Stuff anyway :-)
My Latest Updates Show All
156,000 Downloads...Written Apr 07, 2012
Thank you so much for your support and comments in the past years! I can´t believe that I have so much people who like my work and downloaded it, while I wasn´t here anyway. I see, the problems with my makeup are gone. They are fully transparent at the edges and I´m happy about it. Thank you so much! <3 ...More
I´m backWritten Apr 07, 2012
Hey Guys, I´m sorry for being so lazy the last years in creating some new stuff here. I was so busy during my study... now I have more time for myself and I´ll be able to work on something new in the future. I hope you like my work yet enough to support me again and write me some ideas or wishes you have! Thanks so much!... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
P.J.MM.Oct 23, 2015
Arte in prima linea non ho parole sono incantata1 Impressionante davvero un lavoro divino. complimenti sinceri .Adoro le tue creazioni e dietro vi è passione di un lavoro davvero unico. grazie. serena settimana, un sincero abbraccio con simpatia P.J.MM.
ObediiiiDec 14, 2012
^^ I like your costume makeup very nice
butterfly-dreamer13Jul 15, 2012
Hi! I saw your tutorial on Making a face paint your way and I have to say; it worked BRILLIANTLY! Until I realized it was the wrong base. Can you make a tutorial explaining how to work with that purple whimsical costume makeup?