BitzyBus (857482)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1379 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Maya Build set - Wood
Published Jun 2, 2006
About Me
My name is Carola and I'm totally addicted to Sims 2! ;-) I think it's an amazing game. I have two main interest, animals and "computer stuff". I have a son who is 11 years old and we live together with all our animals - 5 cats and about 30 reptiles (snakes and lizards). I love animals and many of my creations are and will be inspired by animals in some way.
A big thanks to all the people who has made it possible to create things for the game.
My Latest Updates Show All
Installing Maya Modular stairsWritten Jun 05, 2006
For some reason the installation instruction link doesn't show up so I have copied the instructions to my blog :) Scroll down for the black and white stair instructions! --------------------------------------------- TO INSTALL "Maya Build - Wood Modular Stairs" (1) Place your downloaded stairs file in your 'Downloads' folder as usual. (2) Find where you originally... ...More
Mina objekt och ArbetslivWritten May 16, 2006
En liten notis angående mina objekt och expansionspaketet Arbetsliv. Eftersom jag har Arbetsliv installerat så markerar jag att samtliga mina objekt kräver att detta är installerat för att fungera. Till skillnad mot tidigare expansionspaket så gjorde detta stora ändringar i spelfilerna och nästan allt som skapas med detta installerat kräver Arbetsliv för att fungera. Tyvärr skulle det ta... ...More
My objects and OFBWritten May 09, 2006
I'm just going to leave a little note here about OFB expansion and my objects. Since I have OFB installed I mark all my objects that they requires OFB to work. This expansion made big changes to the game and not many objects cloned with this installed works without the expansion. I find it way to time consuming to test everything in a base game only and keep track of what works and not.... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Mar 28, 2015
Thanks for sharing your great creations!!
harleynaJul 29, 2014
It's such a shame you stopped creating stuff, you clearly had a talent for it. We haven't heard from you in quite a while, I hope all is well. Wishing all the best to you and your boy
sunny66Apr 08, 2012
how do you make some thin and put it on the website?