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Bitzybus's Guestbook

jannaJan 18, 2005

BAH. I am getting really jealous of you! \:o You just crank out creativity like a machine, I wish I had that ability!! LOl. Seriously though, Im loving your objects, especially the arctic one, and Im looking forward to the "kittens" one \:\) What happened to that pic of your little kitten?? Was it a himalayan or persian cat?? She was gorgeous btw...(I love cats!)

CsajtrJan 18, 2005

I just wanted to say "Thank you" for all of your wonderful sets that you have done!\:rah\:

Cori27Jan 17, 2005

I cant wait until I get my hands on the arctic living set!!!! Looks just beautiful!!!!!!!

lexo1Jan 15, 2005

I recently returned to the game (The Sims 2) after having been busy for quite a while - lo and behold, so many things have changed since I last visited the Sims community (last september)! Thank you very much for the time and effot you put into your creations. It shows!\:rah\: \:D

mine_of_mineJan 13, 2005

Hello! I "love" your objects that you have created \:P They are really beautyfull, like the glass chess. Do you have any more plans to make more glass objects? \:D in the picture you have of you as a sim, have you made the clothes? becouse they were cool \:\) Take care! //Milla

pfishJan 13, 2005

Oh, Thank you very much for your glass chair and glass chess table!!! I sure love them!!! Do you have any plans to make more glass objects? I hope so. \:wub\: \:D \:rah\:

Da1nonlyQuitaJan 12, 2005

Thank you so much for the plants. it was easy to get them. verses having to figure out double files. i truely thank you. please keep up the good work. keep making it easy so we all can injoy exspecially since i don't understand how to download to files.\:o so i have been missing out on youe designs before. now i am so happy. \:D \:D \:D

echo66Jan 12, 2005

LOL!--I live in the U.S. in a smaller state called New Mexico that is in the middle of mountains and high desert--away from what most people think of as the rest of the world. Thank you for your info!

xira33Jan 12, 2005

BitzyBus, I just want to thank you for the plants. I think they make a lovely addition to any room, but our choices were sparse and now you have fixed that. Thank you for your time.

pinkflowerJan 11, 2005

Thank you so much for your awesome stainless kitchen! \:D Now my sim's kitchens will actually match! \:rah\:

echo66Jan 11, 2005

You are such a sweetheart. Thank you for the nice note in my guestbook. What language besides english is all over your guestbook? Is that german? (I'm sorry. I hope you don't think I'm rude to ask. It just looks really cool. LOL.) Elisa Echo66

jaldeerJan 11, 2005

Just wanted to let you know that I just love all of your objects/sets. I've actually downloaded just about everything of yours. I recolored alot of objects for TS1. Haven't gotten around to doing it again for TS2. Looks harder to do this time. Anyways, keep up the great work!! Can't wait for the Panda Bedroom and the Love and Kisses Bedroom. They both look so awsome!\:rah\: \:\)

oldmember_SexyManJan 11, 2005

your plants are really awesome!\:rah\: love them!\:wub\:

oldmember_CherreceJan 11, 2005

I loved the Plants, Thanks for sharing your talents \:\) \:rah\:

scal5Jan 11, 2005

AND I forgot to add!! I LOVE ALL YOUR OBJECTS TOO! You are a major wonderful artist!!! Thank you again... can you tell I am excited... lol! ;o)

scal5Jan 11, 2005

I love you for making all the different plants! OMG we needed it so much! Thank you thank you~~ ;o)\:D

FxyLdyJan 11, 2005

\:D Thanks sooooo soooo much for the new plants!!! I have prayed someone would do them!! I love them. Great variety!! I am in heaven!!!!

madmimiJan 10, 2005

Yipee, finally, someone has made new plants. Your stuff is awesome. thank-you, thank-you for sharing your talent with the rest of us.\:\)

echo66Jan 10, 2005

Your work is astonishingly good! I am in awe of--addicted to--your objects. This last set with the black and white oriental stuff--oh my god. I about fainted. It's so beautiful. Thank you so much for making black and white objects. My sims love them! \:wub\: \:rah\:

oldmember_xeloriahJan 10, 2005

Oh! Gör det snäääälla?! *ser söt och rar ut* Det vore hemskt roligt att kanske kunna göra något sådant tillsammans, om du vill? Jag kan inte göra möbler, så jag sitter bara och dreglar över allt fint som trillar in här och önskar att jag också kunde... Så... Du får jättegärna skicka ett pm med en mailadress, så kan jag skicka över originalbilderna, och så... Om du vill, märk väl. *ler*

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