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Created for: The Sims 3
The perfect sweater to celebrate Halloween for your Sims boys.
Needs only base game.
Recolorable in 4 channels.
Comes in 4 styles.
Available for Everyday, Formal and Outerwear
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1266150
ItemID: 1266150
Filesize: 991 KB
Created with Game version: and Patch level: 1.67
Based on an EA Mesh.
Just install the dress via launcher.
Many thanks to Cmomoney for her fantastic pose player and Ginara for her lovely poses.
Hairstyles by cazy and Skysims(all TSR).
Many thanks for these wonderful creations.
Credits: Cazy,skysims,ginara, Cmomoney
- Type : Tops
- Style : Everyday, Formal, Outerwear
- Age : Child
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