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JCIssette's Guestbook

paramitiJan 4, 2021


watersim44Aug 19, 2020

Hey, i Like your Sims3 stuff.🙆💖

PralinesimsDec 22, 2017

Happy Holidays! ♥

PralinesimsJun 8, 2017


lilie11Jul 7, 2016

De rien c'est normal \:\)

AussieAngel18*Dec 10, 2015

Hi Judy, sorry its taken me so long to reply. I went on a bit of a hiatus so to speak with MTS & TSR... well Sims in general, not sure why. But trying to get back into the game recently and try designing. We moved, got settled and its been an interesting ride but will be heading back to my home town next year. I am ever so sorry to hear about Toby !! Oh gosh it must have been extremly hard to bare that heart ache... Where you able to adopt your new little fur baby ? I don't think anyone or anything can replace the love that we have for our fur-babies but having someone there to help heal the heart sure counts at least. How was your vacation in the end ? What was Chicago like ? I had to think of the seasons for a moment and forget sometimes the opposite for Australia \:\) Would have been nice in / around autumn/fall ? WOW 2 years since your last visit to home ! Where you able to go back in the end for a trip ? Much have changed ? Have you done much writing lately ? Not a lot is happening our way. Just slow and steady with the health and the girls have their moments. But I'm just blessed that they are well and chatty little girls. \:\)

PralinesimsNov 17, 2015

Hey sweetie! ♥ I miss you \:\(((

KayzackwhyOct 25, 2015

Hi Judy, Your creations are amazing! So very talented! Unfortunately, Atlantis Renaissance has been removed by mediafire, is there any other way that I can download this beautiful world? Thank you!

AussieAngel18*Aug 31, 2015

Hi Judy, how are you & hubby doing ? How is your fur-baby doing ? Oh gosh a holiday sounds nice. Any ideas where you would love to go ? Even a dream vacation ? Not a lot to report on from here. We moved towns 2 months ago and I'm still trying to adjust. I miss home \:\( This place is a lot smaller than my home town but the view is amazing ! The beach view out our lounge room window- not even 5 minute walk. I'm yet to walk down the beach stairs though with my health being a bit funny, but we will get there. Hope all is well your way hun, take care xxx

AussieAngel18*Jul 7, 2015

Oh Miss Judy its so lovely to hear back from you ! \:\) Sorry its taken me a little while to reply. I haven't been TSR for a little while until recently and downloaded a few houses and clothes. But it was great to see a notification there \:\) Yes 2 beautiful girls and my goodness I believe they were given to us from someone special for sure.These 2 are testing me what patience is all about (lol). Miss R is soon to be 5 and Miss A is now 2. Can not believe they are growing up so quickly. I am glad to hear that you are on the road to feeling much better xoxo It sure does take some time to get the energy back and amazing at simple things like getting out of bed and getting dressed could take so much energy ! But slow and steady no doubt. Aww I'm sorry to read of your dog but wow 14 years is indeed well. (Our dog is just over 12 and noticed her slowing down too) so I can understand wanting to spend time with your fur-baby

AussieAngel18*Mar 28, 2015

Hi Judy, its certainly been sometime since we spoke (2011) Can you believe it !? How are you doing ? I've seen a few comments and people have mentioned you were unwell ? I hope you are on the road to recovery soon xxx Its been sometime since I've really visited TSR properly. I stpoped playing S3 for a while there. Family took over \;\) Married (soon to be 3 years) and now have 2 girls. But here's to getting back into the game as soon as I can. Take care and hope all is well. Much love, Kelly.

dysautomomMar 7, 2015

I hope you are feeling better. \:\)

PralinesimsMar 6, 2015

Hey my dear? how have you been??

Christina51Mar 6, 2015

Hi Judy! It was so nice to hear from you! I'm sorry you have been ill. I hope you will get better soon...I miss all your lovely creations! Sims 3 is still my favorite but, I must admit, I enjoy building in Sims 4, too. And, because Sims 4 doesn't offer the opportunity to change colors/patterns in game, it has forced me to actually try creating things on my own which is fun and frustrating at the same time!!! Please take care of yourself and get well soon! Tina

MetensDec 30, 2014

A little bit earlier - I wish you a New Year filled with love, hope and sweet dreams. Enjoy each moment with your friends and your family, Be who you really are and not who people want you to be, Smile, Stay strong and Carry on amazing me with your creativity, Judy! - Ben

srgmls23Dec 24, 2014

May this Christmas fill our hearts with health love and peace... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! hugs Sergio

summersdressNov 26, 2014

Hey there Judy! I decided to try out Sims 4, and I'm sooo glad I did because I got back into Simming again \:\) Unfortunately it looks like I'm going to have to live without your gorgeous houses; that is until you switch to 4 \;\) Haha I'm just teasing you. Thought since I was on the site I'd drop by and say hi. I hope you have been well, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving! \:wub\:

SebiiNov 24, 2014

Where do I find the worlds you have made to download to my game? Btw your Sim homes are wonderful and I will be adding a few to my game!!! Thanks for all the hard work you do!

Leah<3Nov 8, 2014

I Will install just about anything you make!! I have a Request too!! write in my Guestbook so i know you saw this! \:wub\:


GRACIAS.. Tal vez sea tarde, pero para mi , acabo de empezar a jugar con los sims 3, estoy muy contenta de poder usar otros mundos. Acabo de empezar hace un mes, estoy aprendiendo, pero he usado el mundo llamado cuernoscopia o algo parecido. Aun no he tenido ninguna aventura, no tengo aun sim preparado, pero estoy en ello. Ayer entendi lo referente a simport no se si es obligado par avanzar o no, porque si lo es todos estan muy avanzados y me da verguenza pedir que me inviten. Si no lo es no tengo problemas ya te digo que estoy aprendiendo. Pero me gustaria mucho tener tus mundos intentaré buscarlos. Tienen ya todo ? osea los tesoros? los generadores.etc por investigar y hacer la aventura mas interesante. tambien me gustan los niños y familias. muchas gracias. te puse en seguir antes de esto pues me gustaban tus preciosos trabajos. Me da pena de molestar, si es así, te ruego me informes, ya estais con sims4 y lo entiendo, por favor dimelo sin problemas. Independientemente mil gracias por hacer esto tan delicadamente con tan buen gusto. tu imaginacion es sorprendente. Aqui hay muchos artistas, muy buenos, pero olvidan que no es un exposicion, sino un juego y deben ajustarse a sus normas me refiero a no usar los pakages que si bien te permiten hacer maravillas que personas como yo no seriamos capaz de realizar en ningun caso, creo que los que trabajan con pack es muchisimo mas dificil, pues limitan su genialidad ya que no pueden exponer mas que lo que los pack te permiten y esto hace que se pierda mucho del arte que teneis, pero par mi quien hace esto así, qué sería capaz de hacer sin respetar estos limites? y además es mucho mas laborioso, mas tiempo mas trabajo, muchas gracias. Quieres ser mi amigo?\:wub\:

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