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Created for: The Sims 3
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After having spent two thousand of years jailed in a bewitched lamp, this magic genie called Abdul-Rahman was released in exchange for three wishes by a sim. Finally freed of all bad spells that held him, the genie was glad of being able to discover the modern sims life. He kept some of his great magic powers, even after having passed such a long time into the lamp, so now it just remained for him to find a nice house where to live and then starting a new happy life in this modern world...
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1166771
ItemID: 1166771
Filesize: 960 KB
He is a real Genie of a lamp with a magic powers! (The Genie of a lamp is a new sims lifestate coming up with the Showtime expansion, you must however have this addo-on installed to get him with a magic powers. Otherwise him will come as a simple sim with no supernatural powers, but you can also change his skin's color to a normal in CAS, to turn him in a normally looking sim, he will look very nice).
You will find him in the CAS, between the other pre-made sims.
His traits: Genius, Athletic, Daredevil, Neat, Schmoozer, Immune to fire (hidden trait)
Genie's head turban: Showtime expansion.
Genie's original clothing: Showtime expansion. (As by default this outfit is hidden from CAS, you will need the unlock cheat to have the genie clothing, then it will show up (in CAS) for all your sims and not only for this sim: unlockOutfits on.)
All other items are from basegame.
No Custom sliders, no custom skin used.
My sim is packed without any custom content. Only Showtime and basegame items were used when creating this sim.
I have all sims 3 expansions and stuff packs installed except Diesel Stuff.
Game patch:
Basically you don't need any EP's to install him, but you need Showtime expansion to get him as a Magic Genie.
This is a sim made by myself in the CAS. My file is tagged. Please don't modify him and then claim as your own!
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: